Wow! That went really really dark! Totally love it!

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Yes. More please ty.

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Whoa. I didn't expect this. This went really dark, but it probably kicked the overall story forward a lot.

I'm conflicted about Kirito ex Machina, but Eugeo's got his moment and it was crazy impressive. And the comment about the seal hints at the possibility that there are more persons that are fighting against the Tabu and Kirito isn't the one hero to wake them all up like I assumed he would be. So that's a plus. But I hate the writer for putting that cute moment last episode right before this dark horror...

Overall I'm pleased with this development and some scenes in SAO were never safe for work.

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Eugeo is so pathetic. The amount of time it took for him to respond is abysmal. WTF is his problem? Fuck the system and act. We spent way too much time watching him stand frozen instead if doing something. Such crap.

The ending was so dumb.

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Shout by sp1ti

SAO working with the satin gloves again this is rape nummero 3?... despite being somewhat edgy of an episode I actually enjoyed how it escalated so hopefully were done with boring "school" life. Kirito saving the day took away a lot of the impact though...

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