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Season 9


Shout by Cory Copeland
BlockedParent2020-02-06T18:19:46Z— updated 2020-02-20T21:02:20Z

After a great three season run from Amazon, to Pearl Islands, to All-Stars, it's easy to see why this season gets lost in the shuffle. Nobody on the cast really stands out, but there is a pretty impressive feat that is completed. With the tribes initially split male and female the females controlled ALL the power in the game when the merge happened. They managed to get a situation with 6 females and 1 male. This 1 male was almost voted out episode 1 after messing up the immunity challenge. This male, Chris, goes on to win the whole show. He was outnumbered 6 to 1. He found cracks and rode the wave, while pulling strings, and winning challenges. It was a very deserving W on an otherwise somewhat forgettable season. If you enjoy the show, I do recommend checking this season out because it is unlike many (if not any) other.

Rating: 7.5/10

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Rory and his little crack was fucking hilarious. What a great arc. Chris and his underdog story was also pretty good. I wasn't a huge fan of the cast, but it was pretty good to watch Chris just betray all of the women when he was the last man standing.

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