The incredibly-selfless and historic prize donation aside, I don’t understand how people could be happy with this season. I didn’t find it to be remotely compelling, the cast was barely engaging or captivating, and — I’m sorry — but Gabler did not earn this win. There was never a single accomplishment, throughout the entire season, that made me think that this guy was worthy of the title of ultimate Survivor. Not a one. One of THE most anticlimactic finales I’ve ever seen, despite how unexpected it was. I miss the old format.

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I just wanted to come in and say: ALIGABLER! HE FREAKING DID IT!

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I don't love Survivor like I used to. Often in recent seasons pre-Season 40 and post-Season 40 (leave Season 40 alone though, it's perfect), the winner has been undeserved, generally thrust into the finale through one of the many second chances Survivor has added into the gameplay (looking at you Chris Underwood). That being said, that thankfully was not the case this season.

What a great winner! Considering that I said this player was one of the all-time worst players in Episode 1 or 2, has me eating my words badly. Such a great deserved winner and also a good final 3.

Survivor is not about winning challenges anymore (admittedly it hasn't been for a while). That's just a pathway to the next round. It's all about social and gameplay. Some are arguing that one of the final 3 deserved more votes but considering they did little behind the shield of their ally, I beg to differ. An edit can be made to pull off any narrative but the faces Cass was making at the end were borderline ridiculous. Also typical James being unable to read the room and being the only person not to vote for Gabler.

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Shout by Carlo

Guys, let’s be onest: the only winner was Jesse. After that, I’m happy for Gabler, above all the faces Cassie did when he won! She ride on the back ok Karla all the time, and winning challenges is not worth the million dollars in modern Survivor.

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Look, in the moment that Jesse unfortunately loses the fire challenge, I immediately lose 85% of my interest in who the actual winner of the season is; nevertheless, I still lol'd at the 7-1-0. I like Gambler, he played a fairly good game, he navigated nicely the trigger-happy youngsters, played hard in the challenges and gave extremely Correct Answers in the final tribal council. (And kudos to him for donating the winnings.) But Cassidy should get a little more credit than be just an one-vote runner-up that nobody will remember in 2 years. Good social game, good alliance with Karla and good decision to cut her off exactly in the correct tribal, and good physical game winning challenges in pivotal moments. (Even though she kept forgetting the Jeanine blindside when boasting again and again that she was ALWAYS on the right side of the vote. Gabler had the same track-record [only missing Dwight], and only Jesse voted 100% correctly all season.)

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Went into this episode rooting for Owen, came out of it really happy and impressed that Gabler pulled it out. He by far was the most compelling at final tribal. The was my first time watching a Survivor season all the way through, and my goodness I now understand why it's so popular. I didn't get it at first, but once it got down to the last handful of contestants it got really compelling. Consider me now a fan!

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Jesse... I felt... And Gabler deserved this victory! It was very overwhelming. AliGabler hahahahah

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