I now officially have nobody that I’m rooting for anymore. I love me some Survivor, but this season has been incredibly lackluster.

I also miss when they had the jury enter one by one, with the focus on who was voted out last. It was always classic Tribal Council. An unnecessary change.

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omg... women are so scary this season :rolling_eyes::person_shrugging:♀

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The reward win is easily one of the best moments in recent Survivor memory. I haven't been a big fan of the winner but you can't deny that comeback.

Said it last time and I'll say it again, I'm thankful my 3 favs (Gabler, Sami and Cody) are still around. Dangerous allowing Karla to keep moving through the game though.

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Great episode, Noelle's badass reward win was awesome and her blindside afterwards masterfully orchestrated. I loved the editing, all the behind the scenes of the scheming for the vote, but also what to expect next from Gabler and Karla. Jesse and Cody play a great game so far, but is it too flashy? Probably, and if they don't pay those idols soon they will be in for an early exit themselves. Still rooting for Karla, she has great potential if she manoeuvres her options correctly. On the other hand Owen is very frustrating, because you can see he has the same potential for greatness if not more, but he is content to just go with the flow and (when he happens to be on the right side of the vote) to be a passenger rather than even a backseat driver. Sami still totally unconvincing for me, talks a very big game but is mostly a pawn for others so far, he needs to do something by himself to justify all his arrogance. We will see!

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It was exciting the way Noelle won the reward challenge. And it was great how they blindsided her, but I'm sad that she left. :(

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