Can we just take a moment to acknowledge how amazing Jonathan.

Drea surely must hold the record for the most advantages accumulated at one time. I know we're in the new era and there's a lot more of these, but still. Impressive. That being said, I really dislike the knowledge is power advantage. It's another one of the new items introduced over the last two seasons that doesn't work for me.

Winner is Hai or Tori. Would prefer others.

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Typical fire post-merge episode!

Great job Omar orchestrating this, even greater job Hai deciding not to go down with a sinking ship.
Rocksroy: thinking he is way smarter than he actually is, will not last more than 3 more tribals
Torri: way too cocky, it's very funny that she has a "beef" with Rocksroy when they are the essentially the same type of player (and will both crash and burn soon)
Chanelle: second time reading a vote completely wrong, such a shame, I had high expectations from her

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BRO :asterisk_symbol:that’s:asterisk_symbol: how you do a vote split

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