I had such high hopes for this season and it has definitely not lived up to the hype. It's very sad

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It has been a great season, I don't think that I would say the greatest, but it has been great. I personally liked the addition of the fire tokens and the edge of extinction. I also liked that everyone including the players on the edge of extinction got to see and spend time with their loved ones. I hope that all continues in future seasons. The more unknown advantages and disadvantages and twists keeps the game interesting and the players on their toes and adds even more layers to the game, rather than alliances just ganging up on others and picking them off one by one, that's boring to watch.

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repeat after Jeff: "it has been the greatest season in the history of survivor"...and again...and again...and..again! and a few more agains. and maybe you'll eventually make yourself believe that.

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