Sophie was my favorite and this elimination hurt a lot.
Tony is an entertaining player but his target is huge right now. After winning back to back immunities, he should've waited to make a move. I don't understand why he wanted to save Jeremy - his last week target - and turn his back to Sarah - his "number one ally".

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Good job everyone. Very good episode and editing. This was probably one of the best single performances by a Survivor.

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Welcome to the Tony's show!

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super sad for Sophie, she was my favorite player this season. I also liked Michele a lot but it looks like she's pretty much Tony's sheep from now on :skull: and Tony... I respect him, but I don't like him. this episode pretty much established him as the main player going forward, unless something drastic happens (which it probably won't because the only player left in the game who sees through him is Kim, and based on that preview, she is targeting him which only means she's going home next week because she doesn't really have numbers)

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