oh man. what an amazing episode. a pure bundle of joy. it's been a while since I've been to laugh so much throughout an episode of supernatural. although yes it seems similar to bad day at black rock. this is definitely in close competition with the French mistake as one of my favorite episodes of supernatural of all time

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I know nothing is perfect but the reason I gave this episode 10/10 is because first I'm biased when it comes to Supernatural (huge fanboy), second I love it when they do this type of episodes where they don't take themselves seriously and have fun with it

The episode was extremely fun and went super fast but the great thing is that it still had something to do with the plot and how God may stripped my boys from their Hero privileges

This episode pointed a great philosophical question which was: are everything that the Winchesters accomplished was because of them or simply because God wanted so? Is every good they made due to them or simply not?

I guess the question that my boys are wondering about is:
are their feats real or fake!!?

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Starting to look like we are saying goodbye to our old friends. I will miss supernatural, but season 14 proved that it was time to wrap it up.

When it finishes I will go back and watch some of my favorites again.

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Why do some people just not use oven mitts? Not just on TV but in real life, too? You grab something that's 400 degrees with your bare hands and expect it NOT to hurt?

"The giant's crying!" Gotta love when parents don't chastise their rude AF children.

Yes, normal people can munch on 7 grilled cheeses after being treated for 17 cavities and be just fine.
Why are they even trying to dispel the fight club? It's all consensual. Monsters fighting other monsters for cash. Not a big deal.

That... That's not how time works...

This was like a Crack fic. Didn't really appeal to me...


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Such a funny episode! Jensen's teeth seem absolutely perfect!

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the show apparently has time for this

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Such a great episode very funny

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wow epic best episode in this season :100:

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The best episode so far :joy:

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Hokey episode. It was super weird seeing Sam sneeze like that and Dean have tooth pain.

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Sam and Castiel, muahahahaha! And, go Garth!

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Wow a decent episode, didn’t expect that!

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