In comparison to the previous episode, this felt very normal. But look at how each character vyes for power. Tom trying to find his new mentor, Greg wondering if he can get a higher position, the sibs trying to take the top spot again and the old guard all trying again. There were a lot of subtle motions that are definitely shaping the course of the next few episodes. Kendall is definitely getting over his grief so quick now that he has some power again - like a kid getting the toy he begged desperately for. Shiv getting the short end again...or maybe not? Idk, Roman feels more mature than he did in S1 and feels much more genuine and serious - maybe he will keep Shiv in the loop while Ken will strong arm his way alone. No way to know, the writers love fking with us.

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Way more invested in this show than I thought I'd be

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“You’re an addendum of miscellaneous matters in pencil… with a question mark.”
Dear Greg, always clinging to hope.

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"Unless... you want me to pull out the strap-on?"

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Marcia: “Look how far you’ve come.”
Willa: “Look at us both.”

  • In the fourth episode of the fourth season, we finally witnessed succession in Succession. Whoever in the writers room thought of Logan's underline on Kendall's name that also looked like a strikethrough - give them a raise! That was GENIUS! And then Kendall taking a photo of it and dwelling on it because even after Logan's death, he's desperate for his dad's validation.

  • Now I get why Shiv rejects that glass of champagne at the entrance of Connor's wedding.

  • I did not take Marcia as a spit handshake kind of woman.

  • Am I the only one that forgot Roman was COO?

  • "I’m done helping old ladies cross the street." - Damn, Roman.

  • That final shot of Kendall smirking was incredible. He is Logan 2.0 and Hugo is the first to know this. :dagger_knife: :dagger_knife: And the fact that they just revealed his middle name is also Logan. chef's kiss

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The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Logan would be proud.

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That smile, coupled with Britell's ominous, bombastic end-credit music afterwards, are so deliciously foreboding.

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goddamn kendall really is his dad now......#justiceforshiv

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Kendall is manifesting his inner Logan

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What an excellent way to follow up last week's bombshell of an episode. Sarah Snook seems to fall back in line with her excruciatingly nuanced performance this week, as she goes back to holding in some very strong emotions in a subtle yet visible way this hour. We also get to see some surprisingly satisfying business decisions for Waystar, which could signal that things are looking up for both the siblings and the company.

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“he made me hate him, then he died.” ow okay

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Logan should’ve written just Greg’s name as the last fuck off for all of them
Shiv falling was so embarrassing :( like you are already at your emotionally lowest and then that happens
And why does everyone want to be CEO so badly? They are under 40, they are gonna get tired of that position by the time they are 50

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I'm gonna miss this show so much,it's only once in a while something this good comes out.

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jesus they are all terrible and depraved. but this is what Logan Roy would have wanted!

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This is what I thought the show was going to be since the beginning. The true succession.

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kendall roy succession era but i think it won't last :sob::sob:

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