my heart is broken and i am in TEARS!

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One of the best episodes of TV I've ever seen, didn't let off the throttle through it's entirety. Can't wait for the final season!

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"Chrissy, this is for you."

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I've never been more heartbroken over a character's death like Eddie's last words were the saddest and proudest words he's ever said and yeah i sat there screaming crying sobbing throwing up

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This was an emotional rollercoaster. Very happy to live this phenomenon!

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This was just in one word fantastic. It's been a long time since I've seen a show land a season's finale this way. I had a lumb in my throat for at least an hour when the drama started to ramp up. In my opinion this last episode is cinema worthy. I loved every second of it.

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Try as they might, there was just not enough for the gang (especially the Byers boys) to do when it counted. Max deserved better from the story after overcoming so much.

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I love this show and this season, this was a very good finale as is always the case with Stranger Things. They're really consistent.

But nearly 2 and a half hours, felt too long. This could have been 2 hours easily or split into another 2 episodes. There's literally 10 minutes of exposition at one point.

Around the 40 minutes remaining mark, I typed up that I'm glad this show didn't shy away from loss and consequences like others do (looking at you MCU). It gives the world real stakes. But 15 minutes later the showed doubled back - sure there's still consequences and we'll have to see how they play out for one character in particular next season, but the loss was reduced slightly.

I knew Eddie (who had become my fav character in just one season) was going to die. I had resigned myself to that before the finale even started but it still hurt.

Lastly, Eleven spends A LOT of time crying this season.

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Perfect conclusion to a basically perfect season! Shocking, fun, genius and emotional. Glad there's one more season to go!

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There's only a few times in your life you'll live through a cultural Phenomenon. First Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The X-Files. Something people will remember, reference, and talk about decades later. I truly believe Stranger Things is one of those.

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They stuck the landing and delivered. A really great, satisfying finale that sets up the final season.

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Where did the sword come from?

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I think I must have missed the announcement that there's gonna be one more season after this. I was under the impression that this was the final season, and the super long episodes made me convinced of that even more. I could have sworn I had read that this was supposed to be the end. I watched this entire season thinking the show was coming to an end, and now I've just watched this 2.5 hour long episode thinking it was a series finale, and honestly, I was left feeling very underwhelmed at it. I was thinking "Why haven't they actually wrapped anything up?" then I come on here and read comments to find that there's actually still one more season to go. I guess I'm kinda happy that they're gonna do another season, since that means they'll actually wrap some of this stuff up. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish this was the last season.

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Shout by The_Argentinian
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-07-02T19:01:12Z— updated 2022-07-12T12:36:52Z

the new character sacrificing himself to make time is such a cliché and a cop-out from the writers.

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Oh, my god. My darling sweet Max. How dare they do this do you? :cry: I AM GUTTED. In my humble opinion, Max and Lucas and their plot have emotionally elevated the finale more than anything else. I cared most whenever they were on screen.

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can't believe i just sat through nearly 4 hours for the worst ending ever

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Shout by Dick Taylor
BlockedParent2022-07-04T08:37:16Z— updated 2022-07-05T16:50:27Z

Overbloated beyond belief. Lots of pointless dialogue scenes that serve absolutely no purpose. Particularly annoying is the overextended boring epilogue that goes on forever. Sure there are good scenes here and there,, but not enough to justify the two hour plus running time. This episode ought to have been 75 minutes maximum.

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i hate every single person that works on this show... my heart is broken and my soul left my body...

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I have a feeling this season is reducing its target audience's age every season. This season was pretty much for 10 year olds. Because anyone older than that would feel this show is waaaaay too cliché and predictable. The whole "Fight, I'm with you with my heart and I love you" and that suddenly and inexplicably gives her the power of love is way too overconsumed for me to bear. Let alone the small filler lovely heart-to-heart chitchats between characters to make the episode longer.

There's one this I'm sure of. I will NOT watch any more seasons of this. Season 1 was the best. It just went downhill very fast, when their focus shifted from making a great story to making loads of money.

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Literally 2 and a half hours of nothing. The Duffer Brothers are cowards and I hate them.

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Pineapple on pizza let's go!

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Stunning Finale. Eddie's guitar solo was the highlight for me!
What fantastic cinematography, they outdid themselves this episode. :thumbsup_tone1:Going to Miss Eddie though. :pensive:
Waiting for season 5.

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A great episode, but a massive let down, I was promised corpses

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That finale broke me. It was almost painful to watch, such an emotional rollercoaster! All that mattered for me this season was the wellbeing of Max, so I am not ok right now.

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Well, Master of puppets by Munson was epic.... They couldn't have chosen a better song I think...

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come on guys, amazing? the best ever? it was obvious and not at all courageous! Eddie? stupid and ordinary choice. if Max and Lucas were dead it would have been interesting!

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I got myself way too excited for this. I think i probably would have enjoyed this episode more if everything came out at once or if they didn't hype this episode up so much. I came in expecting something that would really change the status quo of the Stranger Things world, I was expecting multiple characters to die. And technically multiple characters died and yeah the Stranger Things world was changed forever by this season but I'm honestly kind of upset that they didn't kill Max or some other characters. Overall this episode was great and I did cry multiple times throughout the episode so I'm still giving it a 9/10 but I got myself way too caught up in the hype.

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This season of Stranger Things made me understand why deleted scenes are a thing. Fuck me I’ve never seen such a bloated overflow of boring sub plots and useless scenes to an otherwise good main plot and direction. This was fucking tiring.

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S4 the best season? it's not my fault if it's true .. also i went through so many emotions this episode, i am not okay and i will need 3 - 5 business days to recover

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One of the most lazy, banal, predictable and pathetic things I’ve ever seen. I really can’t understand how so many people liked it and even get excited for this… Clichés, plot-armors and pathetic dialogues from beginning to end. The rest of the season ok but this finale is really embarrassing.

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this gotta be one of the best finale ever with so much tension and all, it shatters you seeing some scenes and my god the reunions are awesome and the ending of the episode sets up s5 so well, can't wait for it!

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Protagonist who won against her enemies by believing in herself? Are you kidding me? That's all you could come up with?

I rate it "It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." out of ten.

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Obviously such a good episode has such mediocre ending because there will be another season !

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Fantastic. Incredible. Enjoyed this so much more than I ever expected.

Master of Puppets!!!! That scene gave me chills. So damn good. One of my absolute favorite songs ever.

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I don't understand how Vecna and Jason can be characters created by the same people.

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How does Netflix have me watery eyed at their series finales EVERY TIME!

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It was decent enough but lazy and predictable writing for the most part.
The use of Master of Puppets was excellent.
Really don't get the point of the movie length episodes this season though. Is it a way to cheat the actors out of their 'per episode' salaries like Game of Thrones did? If so that's super shitty of them.

We're now pushing an already tired IP into a 5th season though coz plenty of people will still lap it up and make them money. Not sure where else we can go at this point.

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Sumbitch this was fantastic! I’m not huge on this fantasy genre, but the acting was so incredible. I was worried the charm of the kids would run out now that they’re older, but I was happily surprised. Shows like this come along once in a lifetime.

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That was an awful season compared to last 3...

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I was 110% sure this was the final season, I know I read it somewhere and this was the reason it took so long to release it and why it cost so much, so when I had 20 mins left I was like wait Vecna is still around how are they gonna off him in 20 mins? And then I had 10 mins left and I was like that’s not gonna happen… so it turns out everybody and their mama knew this wasn’t the final season???

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literally every actor in this deserves every award ever, but special shout-out to caleb mclaughlin. i cried who else cried.

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2 and a half hours. Longer than some films. Longer than Most films. And it’s one episode.

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Honestly, it was fine, but it definitely is a build up for the final season and one big cliffhanger. Just wish there were more stakes with people dying etc. Plot armour is strong on this show. Only side characters can die, apparently, main cast always comes back somehow.

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Skipping most of the boring Russia subplot scenes made this season much more focused and bearable for me. I hope they don’t make this mistake in season 5, it felt utterly useless to the otherwise great story.

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The fact that we have to wait ANOTHER 2-3 years for this. I'm just devastated.

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Shout by Deleted

The greatest Sci-Fi TV show I ever watched. We will meet again on this ǝpısdn-down roller coaster, but I can't wait years.

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best episode of television i've ever seen

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Shout by Jim222001

Eddie should have got a spin-off but based on the Dungeons and Dragons 80’s cartoon series lol.

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A long episode, longer than many movies, wraps up the season with plenty of exciting moments. I think the whole thing was exciting and gave the characters a lot of heartfelt and action beats.

The actual action ends about 40 minutes before the actual episode ends. The rest is just aftermath and there's a lot they try to wrap up. I think that's an unfortunate side effect of the season pacing.

The last ten minutes sets up the next season.

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Does Max constantly listened to the same song over and over and over? That would drive me crazy way more than worrying about Vecna. LOL.

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It was a slow and slightly boring season, but it ended with a great finale. This episode had suspense but also genuine feeling and heartbreak. If only the entire season could have been this good…

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Next season just give Will a bf or something, that isn’t Mike. Since there was even a recent poster on Netflix of only Mike and Will on it like they were together.
Which would be lame after the whole series was about Mike and Eleven. Love sick mopey Will was also annoying though and they should do better with him.

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Drawn-out scenes, soppy dialogues, power of love bullshit, and a fucking cliffhanger as cherry on top. A garbage finale for a garbage season.

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Good lord man. I barely have any words to describe how stunned and numb this left me and my wife. Just when you think the scale of each season finale couldn’t get any bigger, the Duffer brothers keep proving us wrong.

Some things to point out

-Jason dies. Good. Fuck him!

-After a badass demogorgon decapitation, Hopper & Joyce finally reunite with their children -cue happy tears-

-Eddie went on a literal high note and his death almost rivals Bob’s in terms of heroism and devastation. :pound_symbol:justiceforeddiemunson

-El flat out rejects Max being dead as canon. Not sure how she can do that unless she somehow developed healing powers but oh well.

-See Nancy, this is why you always shoot for the head. Now we have no idea where Vecna could’ve gone off to -_-

-This is probably the only season where nothing bad happens to Will. Not sure how long it’ll last though.

I know there is one season left that’s currently in production, but man I have no idea how the hell they can possibly top this.

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So emotional and intense. I hoped the show would end with this season, I don’t know how much more of this I can take :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:

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I feel like the last 30 mins or so was dragged out but it was a great ending. Can’t wait for the new season

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The episode was quite suspenseful at times but overall it was too lengthy, they could have divided it into a couple of shorter episodes. I like watching everything in one sitting and I was just waiting for the resolution because the show is quite engrossing so I really had to know. It is really sad what happens to Max at the end since it looks like she is going to live in a coma. There were some moving scenes like Dustin's conversation with Eddie's uncle or Eleven's reunion with Hopper. Though it looks like the characters are in for a real serious trouble next season, I've heard it is going to be the last one so probably there will be a Shakespearean ending of "everyone dies".

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Shout by Deleted

Well just ok way to long the fightinng scenes where pretty much ok.
but the dialog often bad af... boring...

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That bondage between Dustin and Eddie was superb. So sad because of his death. This is undoubtedly the best season.

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Bring on season 5. Need 5 words lol.

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Talk about sticking the landing. Why can’t other shows pull this off ? Maybe they should all be 2 and half hours long

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thats the BEST show i have watched ever!!

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I'm sorry, I rate top marks on everything that has a Siouxsie song.

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I was completely loving the episode until Excalibur appeared. Then I really felt this could have been the series finale, but no. They decided to continue it and that is what made this episode not to be perfect.

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It was pretty good can’t wait for strange things number five to come out

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"No, you're not going." :cry: :cry:

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That ladies and gentlemen is how you end a season. Best season yet. But this is only the beginning of the end can't wait for s5.

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The girl that plays 11 needs some major acting lessons.

I thought this was the last season. Can't be bothered with a 5th.

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They made me fell in love with a character just to kill him off in the finale, didnt they? never gonna listen to ''master of puppets'' the same way again. This was the greatest netflix episode ever. I cant imagine what can top this for the final season

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Omg that Michael Meyers moment!!!

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the only time I cried was when eleven saw hopper.

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The cultural phenomenon continues for one more season AND I CAN'T GET ENOUGH!! Emotional PUNCH after another, and the EPICNESS level has risen to BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS!!!

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OMG that is incredible yeaaaaaa

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That was a BOMB season finale! :boom::pizza:
Also, for the record, I am a pro pineapple pizza person! I've had all kinds of pizza, including Hawaiian style (ham and pineapple), for as long I've eaten pizza!

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Whoa, that was emotional to say the least! Word of advice before watching, prepare tissue! Lots of it! Anyway... can't wait for final season!

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The god awful Netflix compression/bitrate butchered this…

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Good episode good season so sad

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Amazing. I hope next season they all stick together coz that reunion was great. This was such a good episode, I loved it.

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Shout by Asem

What a great ending!!, although it was really expected but they really done great job at this ending, Sadly that we have to lose good character but it's has to be like this, and most important that I'm so excited for the last part!

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Yeiiiiii. Great night, first The boys and then Stranger Things!

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