all the new recurring characters were annoying except for scared cheerleader girl who was absolutely serving '80s scream queen vibe

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The "I'm Erica Sinclair" remains so iconic.
So... we didn't get to see the light of another season of Anne with an E but at least we have Amybeth McNulty here :heart:

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It's getting more and more difficult to not be distracted by the actors ages. I mean seriously, aren't these characters supposed to be like 14? I guess they deliberately cast 30 year olds to play the seniors so it looks like the kids are kids haha.

Other than that I really love this episode. Especially the horror ending.

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nobody going to see lucas play made me so sad

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Wow, after nearly 3 years. We are going ǝpısdn down.

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What a comeback, Really good start

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it was such a great episode ,I guess it was worth the 4 year wait because it was totally epic... especially the 11 entrance it was so heroic:sunglasses::nerd:

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Wet squelch.

I love subtitles.

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I’m already not feeling it, but I’ll watch it:sob::sob:

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I can’t wait for them to kill Angela off

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Strong season opener! I like the introduction of the new characters as well as the new monster. Damn scary.

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the "horror" aspect of this show has been boosted by at LEAST 400% and i am LOVING it,
the ending of episode 1 was horrifyingly fantastic

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I'm guessing most people around here are rating this episode based solely on the adrenaline rush of the last few minutes of it. That was awesome, sure, but the rest of the episode was just OK.

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All Will wanted to do last season was play Dungeons & Dragons and NOW the rest of the gang is all into it, after he's moved away? RUDE.

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Heck yeah that's how you make a comeback! Things are going darker I love that they put more horror/gore. Already love Eddie he's such a good addition to the show. The new villain looks great I like the more humanoïd look makes him seem like he could be more intelligent and be more of a challenge for our gang.

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Like season 3, this is starting out as a teen drama series full of boring crindge comedy.

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Some of the high school stuff was really cringe, mostly with “Jane” but I’ve always hated El, I like Eddie though. The kids have changed too much in the 3 years they look too different.

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Second best season opener!!!!.....behind season one obviously. Such a nice pace with the new character Introductions wasn't too overwhelming. Looking forward to the rest.

RATING - 88%

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That new NF logo with ST vibe, AWESOME, Mannn!!!

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that shit with chrissy was actually terrifying

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That was a weird episode, is that still Stranger Things or it is another horror TV show? :joy:

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I wish this episode had come with a content warning for traumatic head injury death. I absolutely would not have watched if it did, as my mother's best friend died of a traumatic head injury two days prior to me watching, and I really did not need to be retraumatised, and most certainly not so soon after the accident.

I don't think I'll be watching the rest, sadly, I think this is where Stranger Things and I part company.

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An underwhelming start to the season.

This series has lost its charm and novelty that made it a success and should have ended after Season 2. There's not much else to do now which I suspect is why they amped up the horror factor this season.

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I get that this is Netflix's money making machine, but they really ought to think about sending it off soon already. It's getting super cringey.

The horror is dumb and now over the top, characters are uneven and clichéd. The show seems barely cobbled together at this point.

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this was a great episode! i don't looove stranger things but i loved this

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Awesome 1st Episode , Problem is now do I binge watch the rest or saviour it :thinking: :wink:

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A pretty damn good opening episode. You get well over an hour but it generally moves along well, touching on all the main characters. We get some new interesting ones as well. The real highlight is the horror aspect. There were genuinely unsettling moments in this first episode, especially towards the end. Early days but Stranger Things looks to have done it again.

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They amped up the horror factor - I liked that. Judging from the first episode it’s hard to see where they are going with the characters. Seeing them again, coming of age, feels good for now. The Basketball/D&D Parallelum was great! And it’s loud, like REAL LOUD, so loud I had to turn down the volume on my 7.2 fine tuned SoundSystem in tense sequences only to turn it up again in quiet conversation moments. Why.

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The wait has been VERY long, and it's paying off from the get go as soon as the music hit!

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I think we can all agree the sound editing is the best part about the episode. chef's kiss

Also, I don't know who is this Billy wannabe guy and how much he's gonna contribute to the story/season, but I really don't like him. His performance is giving me a headache. Hopefully, he'll help change my mind in the next ones.

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Fun way to start the season!

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I have one word about the evil
in this amazing comeback freddy

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Was my cacaphony there in the end but uggggghhhhh whaaaaat the heeeelllllllll

Ok sold on this season, hope it gets / stays good.
Such dark past Elleven has. Exciting.

Also… spoilers under.
I like how they cinematically set this up. All those parallels between DnD with being a devils game, to basically framing Eddie as the big baddie. However, as in how they were doing it… he could very well be the evil mastermind behind everything.
They pretty much already called him evil mastermind behind their Vecna campaign. Although we never saw him during her first episode - He was right there when Chrissy saw the clock in the woods. He was right there when she saw it again in his trailer. While the… Thing had her in its claws, in this reality it was him holding her.

Of course we know how great of a person he is, and DND is awesome, and no way it was him because he actually tried to save her.

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a good start for this season

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Great start to the season. Loved the new characters and also the development of old ones. It’s so creepy though!! Like more graphic or something. Love Eddie. He seems very cool

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I was 16 in 1986. I was DMing my neighborhood campaigns. Guys like Eddie were not playing D&D. Just sayin’. :pound_symbol:mildlycritical

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Shout by whos_ur_buddha
BlockedParent2022-05-27T18:23:14Z— updated 2022-06-11T21:19:33Z

Pretty good opening episode for the new season.

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Deeply eerie. The different characters are neat to see back with all the same problems of teenagers.

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Okay, but I’m actually so ready for a deeper friendship between El and Will <3
I’ve always felt like they are actually very similar and they’ve obviously both been through so much; I truly think they could bond in a lot of ways. I hope we get to see that this season!

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Season 4 1st impression:

This episode is different from the way the previous 3 seasons started. There is still the mysterious aspect where we have no idea what is going on, but it's creepy. I love it.

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I remember being kinda indifferent to this season on the first watch, but I kinda get it now. It's a different vibe, but I dig it. It feels more like proper horror than any of the other seasons ever did. Not scary per se, but they're leaning into it a bit more. I remember Vecna being a brilliant character, but the rest of the show kinda went by in a blur, so I'm curious to see how I enjoy the rest of it the second time around.

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Shout by The Ace Face
BlockedParent2023-08-10T13:11:11Z— updated 2023-08-12T04:51:30Z

An awful teen school drama. Nothing happens at all in this episode. Don’t watch unless your a young teen and can last the whole extended 80m of this episode, I couldn’t!

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Starting off with a colossal bang! The other seasons usually didn’t get to the major action until episode 2 or 3, but we come right out the gate with some more terrifying scares and getting reacquainted with our favorite characters.

-It’s an interesting angle seeing El/Jane lying to Mike turning her back on her “friends don’t lie” mantra

-New DM character Eddie is pretty enjoyable to watch but man is he gonna have serious PTSD after seeing Chrissy go all Regan the contortionist

-I don’t think me and my wife ever got so enthralled with a scene combining basketball & D&D and both winning, but we loved it

-Sucks El’s powers are gone. I yearn for them to come back so she can rightfully murder those bullies

Oooh this seasons gonna be GEWD!!!!

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Well yeah first show who is still great in 2022 the ending nice :) but also why her...:/

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The magic is gone. I didn't care about anything but the tandem basketball/DnD game, which is saying something I suppose, since I never cared to watch either of those things, but the horror aspects all seemed like I had jumped into the middle of a show I'd never seen before. The music cues all felt cheap and unearned. I'm not sure I'll watch anymore. I think the show peaked around season 2, but there were at least some fun moments in season 3. But I don't remember a complete dud episode like this even in three.

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I was kinda worried this would start like season 3, with a bunch of high-school soap shit..
I'll happily admit that my expectations were wrong. Good start!

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Wills haircut is so much better

And the ending was terrifying

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I loved how they gave the characters so much development and planted the seeds for tension right in the beginning. Also nice to introduce Chrissy incidentally and pick her up as much more important a bit later.
The antagonist however was much of a let down. To show him so early in full view in the first place but also the design was not particularly scary
Also possibly a few too many storylines. But I don't want to assume too much. Bringing them together could be great just as likely. So far Els line is incredibly clishee however.

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Pretty good start.

Good potential on the Eddie character, hoping it's not wasted in a bullshit spending the whole season in prison falsely accused way.

El's storyline is pretty boring, hopefully won't have to last too long.

Very gritty flashbacks, and the last scene is also very hardcore. Didn't remember it as dark as that, but I like it.

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omg cringe boring teenager episode... hope it will go somewhere

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chrissy wake up i dont like this chrissy wake uup

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imagine bringing the most popular girl over to your home and she goes full exorcist on you. poor dude.

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My goddddd why this series can be so gooooddd??!?!!

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What an episode !
Literally blew up mind

And hey !!!!
this is actually happening to young boys and girls and I don't mean Demorgogon Stuff, I mean grieving,bullying, drugs and harassing
I'm glad this is exposed, no kid should go through this. Mental Health is crucial at this age and it must be said

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Shout by Deleted

So good to have this bunch back. The scares seem to be growing with the kids’ collective age.

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The last 1 minute made up for an otherwise boring first episode.

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Shout by DrMadness

I really thought I was watching a mystery series, but apparently this turned into a horror now? And what's the deal with Janes missing powers, did I miss something?

Either way, this doesnt have the stranger things vibe just yet. Let's hope things will kick into gear in the next episodes

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worst audio engineering ever for a show this big. it’s literally so fucking loud then quiet as fuck so you constantly have to touch the volume

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Start was 2, The end was 10...

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kate bush needle drop in a max scene raised millions for the LGBTQ+

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An excellent start to the series that eases you in with real world struggles and ends on a high that won't quickly be forgotten in the shows history. Great

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Honestly surprised this has made it to season 4. It’s been going down hill. It’s lost that nostalgia to 80s films it originally had.

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Dustin Henderson still look the same. Will Byers grown so much.

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Not happy about the increased horror value. And I absolutely loved this show and was very much hoping for a new season. Big disappointment.

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Shout by Ro

Oh boy……
That was delicious frighting

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Shout by Agent24

Fantastic start for the long awaited fourth season. The episode does a great job reintroducing us to the Stranger Things characters and transporting us back to the 80s. I really missed the awesome soundtrack of this show and I also love how they use these amazing songs in always the right way. Really curious to see where they are going with the story this season. The ending scene was already quite gory and the horror elements are very noticeable in the premiere episode.

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As soon as Kids by Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein started playing I started smiling. It's been a long wait. Welcome back!

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Shout by Co

I'm glad they are finally giving something for Lucas to do. It feels like he has always been on the sidelines but I love that he is getting his own storyline.

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