My only complaint is that after making us ship Steve and Robin. They made her like girls.

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It's like the showrunners hate Steve ! Poor guy just give him some Happiness :'(

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season 3 is the worst. i wouldn't watch it if i could go back in time. it ruined everything.

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RIP Alexei, he was a nice dude. Nice commie.

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Maaan, I see people hating on Robin being queer :( and of course I mightbe biased since I'm queer too but, I loved the way they introduced that plot to her WAY TO GO!... I mean that's probably what Steve really needs, a good girl friend... and I just imagine them looking at girls and talking about them, or Steve encouraging Robin to go and talk to some girl... also I mean, it's the 80' it wasn't as easy to come out then.

Apart from that, I love this season! It's a rollercoaster only the roller it's always on top. Poor Eleven, I think I just spoiled myself from a stupid person that commented on her... and I hope it turns out okay. I kinda liked how the two groups were on their own and now they merged... Again, Stranger Things have way too few episodes :( Oh fuck, and I'll miss Smirnoff... I guess he had it coming T_T

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There's product placement and then there's shameless, ridiculous straight up AD for Coke.
Makes me agree for a moment with the Russian on the evils of American capitalism.

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robin and steve are such cute friends !!

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Laughing 'cos people are saying they're disappointed Robin turned out gay... So what if she is? Just say you're homophobic and move on lol

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For fucks sake poor Steve keeps getting the short end of the stick.

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I was super on board with shipping Robin/Steve then it went in a totally different direction! What a happy surprise and so well handled! Now he gets a real friend, unlike those wasters he used to hang around with.

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Shout by Vicquell Lightbourne
BlockedParent2019-07-07T13:48:38Z— updated 2022-02-22T04:02:12Z

I love Robin and Steve's friendship

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Shout by vanesa
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-06-20T21:28:18Z— updated 2022-10-26T09:43:24Z

Not people whining about Robin being a lesbian here... "oh no poor Steve" shut up, do you know how hard it is to be gay especially in the 80s??? Poor Robin. Plus the show has no lgbt rep so far anyway so cut me with that "it's forced and the SJW's are taking over" crap. These comments are lowkey homophobic.
Them becoming a couple would have been super cliché and predictable anyway and the coming out scene was one of the standout moments in an overall rather weak episode in my opinion.

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Of course Robin could have been gay in 1986, but I'm still trying to decide if Robin would really say that to Steve. Yes, they've been through some crazy stuff together, but that's seriously secret for a teenager to share in the mid-1980s! Would she really share like that?

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cinematography slaps on mf 12,000

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Is it possible for seats to shrink? Cause I kept feeling the edge of mine get smaller and smaller and smaller watching this episode. The action/fight scenes were top notch and looked like a lot of fun to shoot, Murray continues being hilarious, and while it's a little upsetting Steve & Robin don't get together it's still nice to see him being so chill with her admitting she's gay.

But damn, sucks Alexei died. At least he got to experience a little freedom and go out with a smile.

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One of the best episodes of the season. The visuals with all those mirrors were great!

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Couldn't Netflix spare us the SJW just for this one. Poor Steve!

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Okay so I NEED to vent.
1 - I loved Alexie :( he was a funny dude.

2 - I LOVE this Murray guy lol he is totally the Love Guru of this show who is always throwing some self reflection thoughts on the characters :joy:

3 - I was seriously getting pissed at why they aren't trying to reach Dustin and FINALLY they did.
4 - CAN WE JUST PLEASE FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM? And problems* shall I rather. Like, okay I get it. Some funny and cute moments in between are nice, but I absolutely CAN'T stand them bickering or talking about romance in between some really tense scenes like that's not helping AT ALL. I could have enjoyed the scene between Robin and Steve but I couldn't.

5 - they are obviously stretching this till season 4 and I don't know what I feel about this. On one hand I'm enjoying the show, but on the other I just want to get done with this already.

loading replies basically I just realized that Steve is totally a young Jack Burton (and if I have to explain you who Jack Burton is I'm sorry but you do not even deserve to watch this show!)...but..whatever...he doesn't even have to change hairstyle or anything! he's just perfect! ok, someone made it happen, give a shout to John Carpenter...a need a mini-series titled something like "It's all in the reflexes" or something like that!
And oh yes, by the way...the episode was awesome! XD

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Shout by Khawlah

Oh come on! Making Robin a lesbian was a cheap and unnecessary twist. Not after what she said last episode. I get it if she was not sure to come out yet but why even say it in the first place then? Meh.

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But if the Russians were watching all the exits, how did the kids get into the mall?

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Great episode of this great show but why make her a lebian sad twist but ok he should get nancy back :)

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In the first two seasons, the relations between the characters were tight. This season, the series is over until everyone is aware of each other. Nobody knows about anybody. It's annoying.

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Shout by Eduardo

Steve and Robin in the bathroom, Damn ! I've in that place before. Even a girl who likes girls can fall in love with a man, peronal experience. What an episode !

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The decent rolls of loo roll in the cinema seemed out of place and they had two in each cubicle. :open_mouth:

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Shout by Deleted

Love my boy Steve to death :( still I am not mad if Robin is his new best friend.

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preparing an intense season finale, at least this year have not stopped the action to tell something they should have at the beginning of the season

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My ship just sank :( Can't wait to see what happens next now that the gang's back together finally.

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