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Since I watched this pretty quickly, I wanted to just write 1 overall review, instead of one for each episode.

I honestly loved this. I had no idea what it was about, but when I saw that queen Winona was in it, I was sold. I started watching it, and I just loved the entire vibe of this show, the 80's/sci-fi thing that's going on, the mystery, the monsters...

The performances from all of the kids (and all the younger actors tbh) just blew me away. The girl that played Eleven just absolutely stole the show. Winona gave us an incredibly amazing character which I loved so much. David Harbour (Chief Hopper) was a bit of a surprise for me. I didn't expect to love his character as much as I did. Honestly all of the performances in this show were so good and really made this incredible to watch.

My advice would be: just watch this show if you like 80's/sci-fi. You really won't regret it!

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AWESOME show, brilliant actors, great score, superb story, authentic 80's nostalgia, kids on bikes, what more could anybody want.

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This is an excellent love letter to the 80's. I was 13 years old in 1983, so I get the whole feeling and ambiance from the sets and props. I love that the camera angles and narrative are those from the late 70's, instead of the usual steadycam-quick-cut fare we watch every day now. The story is slow and predictable (but just because we're already embedded in this kind of storytelling) but I don't see that as a failure at all. My problem here is that we get so emotionally invested in the characters and that's why the ending of this first season is a huge let down for me. I wouldn't mind another 8 episodes, but I don't see it progressing past certain point. Kids grow fast, so you can't get like 4 seasons without acknowledging the passage of time. They'll have to film as much as possible while the cast still looks like that, and release the episodes at their own pace, in my humble opinion.

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Fantastic episode!!!!! Every single thing worked in this episode. From Joyce and Hopper quest for Will. To Jonathan and Nancy's plan to kill the monster. To the kid and Eleven try to escape Dr. Brenner. This episode was heartbreaking. I loved that Mike confessed to Eleven but her sacrifice to kill the monster was so sad. I wish she didn't need to die but was a strong death. I really wanted Nancy and Jonathan together but I have to admit that Steve was cool in this episode. He attacking th monster was badass. I felt sorry for Hopper as he relived his drama, that was about his daughter death by cancer. But I loved that Joyce found Will alive. The Will's scene in the end of this episode was intriguing and a could cliffhanger to next season. Overall, a amazing episode and I can't wait to start season 2.

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yesssssir this show is gas

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Mediocre ending to a great start. But enough to set up for the second season.

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Good finale! I'm not normally a fan of action sequences, which almost the entire episode is, but I'm invested enough in these characters and it's really satisfying to see everything come together, with each character having a moment to shine. Helps that it's just incredibly well produced. This season's pacing as a whole was just fantastic, they really nailed the build up to the climax.

Also wait, does this mean Barb is dead? Like for real? I always assumed she'd come back... =/

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Everything culminated to here and I freaking adore it! Such an epic ending and now I want more!!!

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The very end is a little disappointing. Nancy didn't wind up with who wanted her with. While the kids got over 11's sacrifice a little too quickly.
The show is like a book I couldn't put down. But I think the end could have been better. Hopefully there's a season 2 to give answers about what we were left with.
11 some how communicating with Mike is what I expected but
instead we got left with it being teased that I guess Will has monster slugs in him. Which could have even taken over his body.
That was haunting and creepy. So hopefully we do get some answers and maybe even 11 brought back some how. Either way if Mike wasn't going to wind up with 11.
Nancy not with Jonathan in the end was pretty annoying. "Oh cool, she got me another camera, I will just be alone taking pictures of stuff."

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Absolutely fantastic show, amazing performances by all the kids and actors. Give me more of this brilliance

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I don't think either the Demagorg or Eleven are dead, I guess El and the thing just got to the Upside Down and then she closed the portal somehow. The slugs inside Will are probably going to be the key to find a way in, the next season. Hopper sure knows something more than us, first the encounter with the government guys outside the hospital and then the food in the middle of nowhere.

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Shout by Mewn

Great series! I guess 11 is alive somewhere, probz in another dimension...I don't think in the shadow one tho >.>
And Mike coughing up slugs?! Oh man, that slug is going to grow into a monster in the sewers!
It also seems like Mike is either traumatized or gained an ability to see into the shadow dimension (which might help next season).

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Just finished watching Stranger Things over the last couple days and all I can say is...


Now, THIS is one well-done show. It paid homages to so many great previous Sci-Fi works and the 80's settings was just masterfully done (so much D&D which always gets me). The finale was absolutely action packed although the fates of some of my favorite characters didn't end up working out so well (...Eleven).

I need a second season of this ASAP. I can't wait for them to further explore the mythology that they started to build in the first season.

Also, I think that Eleven being the LOTY (Loli of the Year) is a lock. Shut-down the balloting. Not even a competition.

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10 outta 10 kinda show right here

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Shout by Ioana

Why isn't Nancy with Jonathaaaan?????????????

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This season finale was AWESOME!!!
I'm dying to see the new season.
I have so many questions that need to be answered.

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Shout by mg_grey

oh no.. El is still alive, Hopper is feeding her.. and yeah Will is growing that thing inside him.. damn.. see yah in season 2! Theory: Season 2 will involve returning that Demagorg-thing into the other world (or maybe kill it), and having Eleven open the portal for them? :o

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Season finale, the thing ends well, I hope they leave them alone and not have a second season

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I didn't see a body so I'm thinking 11 is still alive somewhere. I'm also pretty sure i saw hatched eggs in the upside down when hops was there. I'm thinking baby demagorgons? Will looked like he was being used as some sort of host when they found him so chances are that slug he threw up was some form of the creature. Lots of unanswered questions. I think those eggos hops leaves out there are for 11 too.

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Shout by noor

I'm going to miss Eleven. She was the highlight of the show for me.

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Words alone can’t do justice to how emotionally amazing this season finale was. It really needs to be seen to be believed, and the whole story ain’t even over. No wonder this became a smash hit for Netflix. Love it, love it, love it. ^^

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screaming crying throwing up and having a cardiac event from stress

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im at loss for words. what a brilliant and thrilling show :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

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This episode really said "I'll make you cry and then keep you crying"

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The team acted well despite they grouped again into small groups.

Did the monster deserve to be killed? I dont know. It came to earth with the greediness of humans. Its source code is to kill. I wish they sent it back to the dimension only.

Now only monster was killed. But gates are still open. There are maybe small parts of it. Like inside will. He did not want to tell about it. It is nonsense.

They did not show barbara's family or funeral. She died because of nancy but she is ok with it. Nancy forced her to come because.

Chief gave a promise to them. Despite the ones who i thought superiors of that organisation were killed, chief hopper did something with them.

I think eleven did not die. We will see.

I give 8 / 10 for episode.

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Shout by FinFan

It would have been to easy if they all lived happily ever after. What I am most interested in is where Hopper went with the suits. Did he leave the food out there out of faith or does he know something more ?

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Shout by Deleted

To the scum bag who called a 14 year old the “Loli of the year” you’re a sick fuck, you are literally a peadophile which is pretty much the worst thing any human can be

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Shout by Deleted

To the scum bag who called a 14 year old the “Loli of the year” you’re a sick fuck, you are literally a peadophile which is pretty much the worst thing any human can be

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Shout by b

Justice for my boy Jonathan! Nancy should have AT LEAST given him the succ.

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Shout by Dmx

It is a great Series, but in the End the Flickering of the Lights was the most awful thing I have ever seen in a series. Annoying as hell and I thought about just turning the TV of at that Point. Who the hell thinks of such kind of bullshit?
For that alone I'm removing 2 Points just because this gave me Headaches.
Other than that I'm really looking forward to the 2nd Season.

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So Will is the new Demogorgon or whatever? I want Eleven to come back ;-;

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omg i can't wait For the season 2 .....!!!

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I just want more now. Fantastic ending with a great lead into the next season.

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Shout by Haibara

I think the romance between Eleven and Mike was unnecessary. But maybe that's just me. I don't need romance between every male and female character and it would be enough for me if they "only" had this really strong friendship. Friendship can be just as strong as love.
And I hated to see Nancy back with Steve. It was so unexpected and felt absolutely weird. I don't know why the writers chose to do that. I'm not saying she should've been with Jonathan immediately because that might've been a bit too much of a cliché, but I don't really see or feel any connection between Steve and Nancy.

But besides my complaints it's a good show so far. I heard multiple people say how good it is, but I didn't really expect too much. After the second episode I was kind of hooked, though. Now I'm excited for season 2 :)

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Amazing ending. The little girl is an impressive actress, the plot is thrilling and moving at the same time. I definetly loved it. Can't wait to see the second season!

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Season two is confirmed. Too bad we have to wait until 2017.

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Did anyone else have a serious "This is battery acid, you slime!" moment with Lucas and the wrist rocket?

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Shout by mg_grey

aww. i wish eleven didn't have to die. :( but I was amazed by Steve tho. But how would they continue this on season 2? I saw an egg tho, on the other side, but was it hatched? and also, maybe Will somehow will cause the portal to open again. All maybe's! ugh

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Shout by Si_Crazy

Very intense episode! I loved seeing Steven there to redeem himself, I liked seeing the teens working together to fight the monster.
Eleven rocks!
I love how they got Will back, and still managed to make cliffhangers that will keep me curious till the next season (hopefully)

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The opening theme and background music for this series is SOOoooo 80's John Carpenter! Escape from New York, The Thing (I like the scene where its shown on TV screen), They Live, and even Big Trouble in Little China can be heard in this show!! I love it!

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I hope season two continues from season one. I'm invested in these characters and it would be nice to get a sequel to the kind of show this was. It would be like getting Goonies 2 within a few years of Goonies 1.
Really don't want them to go the anthology route.

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