Yeah, that's right! You better run! She's our friend and she's crazy! You come back here and she'll kill you!.....absolutely precious haha

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Such great children they are.

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Another great episode!
The kids are amazing!
I really like how all storylines work separated, but they all complement each other with the revelations.

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Espetacular episode!!!!!!!! In the beginning, It starts with Jonathan and Nance dealing with the monsters. I had goosebumps in these scenes! I'm really liking their relationship and I can started to see it blooms in a romantic relationship. Hopper and Joyce quest for Terry Yves were interesting. I have no doubt that Eleven is Jane and she was kidnapped by Dr. Brenner. It was chilling listening Terry's Sister telling her story. Dustin was amazing in this episode. He was the most reasonable of The Losers. Lucas was ass as typically is, but I liked how he perceived the government farce. Eleven and Mike were adorable. I really like how he believes in her and how it payed off in the end. Speaking of this scene, Eleven was badass! Overall a brilliant episode anda I can't wait to watch the next one!

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I love those small details like "The Thing" poster in the kids room. And in the next scenes they are talking about the thing. Really nice.

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Joyce and Hopper finding Eleven's mother was a tad bit underwhelming, but the episode was still pretty good.

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I guess Nancy has become a bit less unlikable. Finally, some character growth, and she knows it herself.

Although, I hate the cliche love triangle brawls as they add nothing to the plot as such but I guess it's important for character growth and relationships, and to move the story forward.

The children are precious. Minus Lucas, for now. Dustin is the cutest.

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Shout by vanilla_chief

I hate the missunderstanding-trope! This whole thing with Steve and now this rejected lover thing is unbearable and doe not bring the plot forward. So annoying! But on the other hand i think we needed the tension between Nancy, Steven and Jonathan released. I felt really freed after the brawl because it strengthened the bond between Nancy and Jonathan and made things clear.
Furthermore this revelation of Elevens mother was a bit over the top. Yeah we get it, she is her mother, she has abilities. That was to on the nose, even more for this show. which was very coy with explanations, what i really like.

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Shout by Deleted

Please, don't touch my little baby.

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When Jane, I mean Eleven wants Eggo waffles, she GETS Eggo waffles!

Man this episode felt refreshing to watch. All the bullies get what’s coming to them, Dustin has more great moments, and I am all for Jonathan & Nancy.

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so eleven is terry ives' daughter. hope they can meet soon :(

out of the trio, dustin is my most favorite so far. aside from his cuteness and witty comments, he's also reasonable and rational :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

aND THAT SCENE WHEN ELEVEN SAVED MIKE IS IMMACULATE :heart_eyes: this girl is strong strong huh :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: tho i kinda think what she did would backfire since some asshole kids saw what happened. you never know what would those kids do with this information.

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In a way Hopper can relate to Eleven’s mom who is waiting for her daughter to come home. Since more than once he talks about her like she is still alive. He can also relate to Joyce in that way, expect Will is alive.

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Starting now

Until now, the series was going depressive and hopeless. In this episode, seeing strong groups was nice. Chief-will's mother and will's brother-nancy.

But still i cant get why they choose to be alone. Chief is alone. nancy-will's brother dont tell anyone.

I remembered where I remember officer powell from. Rob Morgan from daredevil. Also he was in other marvel series like iron fist, jessica jones, the defenders, luke cage abd punisher as turk.

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This is back when Steve, deserved to get his ass kicked. At least he is likable in the last episode.

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Fantastic episode! The plot with Nancy and Jonathan is super sweet. I feel bad for him for getting arrested, sad it ruins the monster hunting plans. Man, do 10 year olds really go out with knives and try to murder other 10 year olds? That was pretty intense. I love the pairing of Joyce and the police chief. Are they gonna start dating...? My suspension of disbelief keeps getting challenged when the one kid is super mature for his age lol, but that's alright.

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