Some good character background and development for Sabine but basically a monster-of-the-week kind of episode. Still fun to watch.

We do hear the name "Fulcrum" for the first time and I'm surprised I didn't recognize the symbol when I watched this the first time.

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5.8/10. Easily the weakest of the series so far. The dialogue in this one was painful and on the nose. It was nice to see Hera and Sabine get a little more to do on the show, but saddling them with such on the nose, blatantly expositional conversations about trust or Sabine's past with the Empire Academy was a real misfire. The episode as a whole felt pretty rushed, and while the two of them being stranded together and having to fight off a horde of alien bunny-jaguars made for a couple of interesting set pieces (it was nice to see rhydonium from Clone Wars make an appearance as an explosive again), on the whole, this one was just a really dumbed down character conflict with a fine but pretty straightforward fable about how these people do trust in one another. And the "three roughousing brothers" routine with Zeb, Ezra, and Chopper is getting a bit tiresome as well.

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Maybe not the best episode, but still fun and exciting for what it was.

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One would think they'd have better on-board diagnostics systems on such ships... :o :D

Some interesting pieces of information regarding Sabine's background (that she was at the Imperial Academy at Mandalore).

It was also nice to see remnants of a Republic base from the Clone Wars.

Unfortunately Ezra, Zeb, and Chopper became children(/imbeciles) again... :o

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