Reaching new hights. This was just brilliant character work all around.

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Another episode with little action. We seem to be at the beginning of another story cycle. I liked it nevertheless.

Had some interesting angles like the world building, again. I guess now we know how the Empire builds it's massive arsenal. They probably have thousands of those facilities. I was very aware that Andor was already looking for weaknesses and planing his escape. We can easily assume he won't stay there for his term.
Syril is again put in his place and I wonder what he'll do now. Is he going rogue ? (intentional choice of word). Another question being raised is: who is Luthen ? I mean, who is he really ? What's his angle, why is he so adamant at forcing the issue of rebellion ?

Lot's of room for speculation.

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This show is not just good Star Wars, it's just excellent TV all around.

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Shout by Anon mouse
BlockedParent2022-10-26T18:49:34Z— updated 2022-10-29T04:51:27Z

Had you told me the best of Star wars television is yet to come when I was watching the S2 finale of the Mandalorian, I wouldn't have believed you.

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Loved it! No action, but a giant leap in emotion and story for me. This series is showing that Star Wars movies/shows don’t have to be dumbed down or have god aweful dialogue.

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Great to see this show keeping up in quality from week to week. The prison scenes were fresh and interesting, and felt very sci-fi. My intrigue is building because I'm wondering how Andor is going to get out of this situation. While this episode may have been less exciting that other weeks, the storytelling and character work continue to be great. I'm glad Syril is getting back in the fold and I think his character has a lot of potential. I like how the show is able to get me to root for certain characters meant to be antagonists, but in specific moments I understand their side of things and want them to have their little victories, like Syril or Dedra.

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The mood and settings in the Narkina Five scenes somehow managed to create the missing link between Thx1138 and Star Wars.

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Brilliant to see more about the structure of the Empire.
Say hello to the actor of Snoke (Andy Serkis) in prison.

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Can't believe this piece of crap keeps getting praise from people. I just keep watching to say I've seen it if people ask. Another filler episode with stupid side plots and keeps jumping time and places, it's just insanely irritating. Everything about this show is just scattered at the best and the amount of characters is insane.

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Another boring soap opera episode totally lacking in action and anything else actually interesting. This is the worst of the Star Wars TV-shows lately.

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I appreciate the 12 episodes but I feel time could be shaved from nearly every episode. I don't really care about the Bix, Vel or Cinta stuff. I'm wondering what's going on with the Syril storyline overall.

The Andor prison stuff was great though it got a little tiring watching Andor standing there like a lost kid.

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The empire is becoming really evil now! Still (a lot) more humane than the Nazis but I really wouldn't like to be Andor now... :o
No wonder that there will be a rebellion :D

It's a bit surprising though that they still need human workers for such (trivial?) manufacturing tasks... :)

Also: I hope that Bix will be fine!

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Cassian’s new prison break story takes a backseat to every other plot thread (except maybe Bix/Cassian’s “family”). Disarming to see Andy Serkis just so plainly be himself in these stories.

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He was cutting it close with that floor huh lol

Guess we have to look forward to the justice system being just as corrupt and false imprisonment still being a thing in the far far future :thumbsdown_tone3: guess it makes since, no matter how far we get in tech its always going to be the same humans so will always repeat the negative bs in our society.

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And the mandatory bullshit Star Wars side quest is here. And what a really weird one it is this time. Exactly what they are trying to achieve with Andor's "visit" to Narkina 5, is anybody's guess... do the writers know? Just padding the episode run is my guess. This should have been 8 episodes in total, at most.

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The character work and writing in general for this show is astounding. Raising the bar for Star Wars' narrative future. Also, great to see Mon Mothma shine here, she is tremendous.

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if the season had 24 episodes I would understand this slow pace, with 12 I would not.

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After the rebel attack the empire decrees that even petty crimes (or no crimes at all) get harsher punishments which sees Cassian thrown into an imperial labour camp. Meanwhile, Meero takes over the reins on Ferrix and tries to smoke out Cassian in order to get to Luthen (who's yet unknown). And Mon Mothma is juggling her public and her rebellious parts of her life.

Pretty intense, especially the inhumanity and monotony in that labour camp. Meero's a cruel enforcer, Mon Mothma isolated and soon out of options.

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Is the time line jumping between past & present. So hard to tell.

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