Probably the best episode so far but it was just fair. I can't understand what the actors are saying because they mumble. It still is a boring series that seems more like a generic Sci Fi series than Star Wars. This is the last episode before my 3 year subscription expires and it does not rise to the level needed for me to renew. I have cancelled Disney plus because of the mostly poor new series and movies.

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"And I would rather die trying to take them down, than giving them what they want."

Phenomenal episode, a great culmination of the prison system plot (MVP Andy Serkis), and topped off by Skarsgård killing his stirring sacrifice monologue. Dividing the season into four distinct storylines with their own build-up and climax is such a good choice; can't wait to see the last leg.

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Shout by VDJ K-Lien-T
BlockedParent2022-11-09T10:37:39Z— updated 2022-11-11T03:10:24Z

OMG :flushed: :flushed:!!! What an incredible episode!!! It was so tense that I almost got an anxiety attack!!! Luthen's speech was :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:. This show is as close as a Rated "R" Star Wars anything we've gotten so far (:fingers_crossed_tone2: hopefully we'll get some more). Diego Luna is killing it and.... Oh, what a performance by Andy Serkis.... Bravo :clap_tone2: :clap_tone2: :clap_tone2:

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The "what have you sacrificed?" scene is one of best written dialog scenes on TV, ever. When this show decides to deliver the lines, they are top of the game. Mad kudos to the writers, and the actors who deliver them so well - tears swell easily. This episode was the best.

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That speech by Luthen was everything I needed :fire:

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Let this series be a lesson to all future writers, directors and producers of Star Wars movies/tv. Great story, stellar dialogue and compelling characters. Man, what a great episode this was!

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Simply amazing episode.Without a doubt the best Star Wars show.

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This episode was perfection. Not a single moment wasted.

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This might be the best episode of the series so far for me. Outstanding in every way!

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This was epic from start to finish. That monologue at the end was so heartfelt and moving.

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Now THIS is some of the most phenominal acting I've ever seen in a TV show, like ever..... Everyone hit it out of the park, and acted the hell out of this episode. Hats off to the writers too, the way everything "makes sense" is not forced, but organic, chef's kiss. This episode had a lot of deep self awareness to it. Bravo

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got so hyped after watching this tried to stage a mass rebellion at my soul-sucking mind-numbing corporate job shouting ONE WAY OUT pelting the bosses with office supplies long story short please check out my onlyfans

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Dam what a frackn amazing episode !!! Probably the best show on right now

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Serkis and Luna really stealing the show in this episode. I don't like every episode of Andor, but this one was absolutely for me!

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That was an awesome episode

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Epic soliloquy by Luthen! And, a great uprising. Sadness, hope & anger are balled up in my chest, like beating lead running around my throat...and, almost a tear behind both eyes.

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Andy Serkis once again was phenomenal in this episode, he's made such an impact on the show despite only being in it for a short time. I felt a rousing sense of energy and excitement this episode. The tension in the moments leading up to the attempted escape as great, and the catharsis watching the prisoners enact their plan and fight back was equally as great. Also a lot of great monologues in this episode from different characters with great acting and dialogue. This show has just been well made all around and this type of content from Star Wars is so enjoyable.

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That scene on the balcony. Wow. He knew from the first moment. Intertwined with that speech eclipses any scene we saw in the last two movie trilogies.

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Good stuff. Bravo. Loved the break out sequence, marvelous work on the score and the editing. And Kino. The reins around Mon Mothma get tighter - now she's asked to essentially sell her daughter for a loan. And we learn who's the mole inside the ISB... and to what lengths Luthen's going to preserve his network (reminds me a bit of the 2nd WW where people were sacrificed to keep the secret that the allies had broken the enigma code).

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Perhaps the best forty-five minutes of :asterisk_symbol:Star Wars:asterisk_symbol: I’ve ever experienced.

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What a superbly written episode! Wow.

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Wow this episode was amazing! My absolutely favorite episode of season 1!

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Shout by J G

Kino’s last words… :cry: and the speech on sacrifice…:fire:

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The theme is sacrifice and oh my god! Kino knew from the beginning he was doomed when he saw the ocean around that prison but gave his all to give back life to those prisoners, Andor admiting how much he wants to fight against the Empire, Mon Mothma having to choose how much she's willing to give for the rebellion, Luthen and the toll this rebellion has taken on him. Amazing acting this episode as well, especially on those great monologues. Favorite episode yet.

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Goddamn that monologue. And Kino's arc!!! Like there is really nothing like this in all of Star Wars, and outside of it it is still just plan phenomenal.

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Genuinely hope they keep making this show forever

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At this point, I dare to say that this is the best Star Wars show ever made. It's even better than most of the SW movies.

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Shout by crxssed

after all that... he cant swim

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Amazing! I’d give this a ten, except that I was really confused about how all of our escapees were going to get off-planet.

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Lonni: What have you sacrificed?
Kindness, kinship,
I've given up all chance at inner peace,
I've made my mind a sunless space,
I share my dreams with ghosts,
I wake up everyday to an equation i wrote 15 years ago from which there's only one conclusion, i'm damned for what i do,
My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight,
They've set me on a path from which there's no escape,
I yearned to be a savior against injustice without contemplating the cost and by the time i looked down...there was no longer any ground beneath my feet,
What is my sacrifice?
I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them,
I burn my decency for someone else's future,
I burn my LIFE to make a sunrise that i know i'll never see,
And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude,
So what do i sacrifice?
You'll stay with me, Lonni
I need all the heroes i can get"

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Shout by Tabbylover
BlockedParent2023-02-18T22:20:38Z— updated 2024-02-22T06:36:26Z

Let this great episode serve also as incentive for anyone who wants to learn how to swim... it's an important life skill!

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Awesome episode! But I was wondering why there were only humans in the prison. Made it look very un-Star Wars-y…

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It's Episode 9 and Kerri watch still continues

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Kino Loy's "I can't swim" is kinda sus

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