Glad to see tradTrek (traditional Trek) is back! I miss this format and style of Star Trek.

Nothing wrong with the other nuTrek, they're all great on their own, but as someone who grew up watching Star Trek, the style of TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT, have grown on me. It's more about the issues we are facing today, in real life, as well as meaningful life realizations. Picard is like that but it is more about Jean-Luc. Discovery is like that but it is more about the conflict and the characters.

But tradTrek is different. The approach is to let the audience relate and think of the world around them.

Best of all, finally, we have a Captain Pike canon series! We seriously lack canon materials around Pike and his time with the Enterprise and it has been requested since the 90s. Finally! Let me say that again, FINALLY!

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2 episodes in. I don't want to jinx it, but this looks like a proper Star Trek show. It's about time!

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I'm so excited: it's a very promising pilot, it's the classic Roddenberry's line and it's so cool again. It's a new hope to forget the crappy Discovery/Picard shows. I think I've been waiting for this for a few decades.

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More slop out of the minds of Klutzman and company. Another crew of people with terrible pasts that will continuously haunt them each episode.

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This is a pretty good "back to the original days" Star Trek. More episodic with a long story arc, but being episodic was what got everyone into Star Trek in the first place.

Someone said that this is "woke garbage", and I'm quite often the first to point that out when I see it but I didn't get that so far. However, Paramount has woke the hell out of Discovery and got about half as woke on Picard so I wouldn't be surprised if this went that route. They have, as they do, made one character quite obviously and somewhat over-the-top gay so I'm confident it'll be a central part of the story very soon and hopefully it's more in passing than becoming a consuming plot line like they do in most other shows.

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Cringey and boring dialogue, terrible acting. Visually great but the story is average at best. If you want to watch a good "Star Trek" type show then go watch The Orville. Star Trek New Worlds is marginally better than other recent Star Trek tragedies but that's not saying much.

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Captain Pike and his chick/binary brigade. One percent men allowed on the ship. The perfect future for the current woke shit.

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Fantastic. well worth your time.

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Excellent show! It reminds me of the golden age of sci-fi - when exploration still matters.

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I have enjoyed watching the two aired episodes more than the entire seasons of Discovery & Picard combined. "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst" as the saying goes, but I'm extremely optimistic about SNW.

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Started strong, halfway season 1 it got bad. I'm out, I don't care about season 2.

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I called the first season of Picard the best star trek in years. This is the best Star Trek in decades! Since the 4th or 5th season of Voyager, i cant even remember. PROPER and awesome Star Trek!

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Really shitty don’t know why so many people love this

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Don't listen to the people that say this is traditional trek. It is marvel inspired garbage. Television is essentially a play on a stage that is filmed. Can this show be put on a stage? NO, it relies heavily on cheesy special effects and rarely are the actors even in the same room. TOS had a conflict and the camera stayed in the room, you seen the reactions of characters and see how the. conflict affected them and how the conflict played out. In SNW character says some cheesy one liner, cut to CGI, repeat. Conflicts are solved with ridiculous computer animation that don't fit in with the time period. Also, the crew is already known thanks to The Cage, why do they need to change the crew?
If you think this is good you need to watch more trek. A lot more (just not Discovery that is just as bad as this garbage).

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This is the perfect show to irritate yourself. Sometimes it’s just nice to curse at the screen at the dumbness you are seeing. This is the perfect show for that

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The first episodes were promising, then about half of the season it went downhill pretty fast.

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Thank you cleansing my brain of the farce that is Discovery.

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Bad copy of the original series.
81%? baadd.

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They've almost captured the spirit of Trek, but the dialog and character decisions are painfully dumb, still. Vulcans aren't even portrayed right, showing more emotion than logic, and It's painful to watch Pock cosplay Spock. Can't imagine I'll like any of these characters, and that's one of the best things about shows. I don't trust it'll get any better, I know who's been writing for these shows.

One episode told me all I needed to know. Star Trek is dead, and this watered down version won't save it. With The Orville back, we've all got a better alternative, anyway.

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I am a bit sad. I really like Star Trek. I saw all movies and all series. TOS as a child with my father. TNG is my favorite.
I had to stop watching discovery after season 3.
Truth is, it seams that with my 49 years I am no longer the targeted audience. The younger among us will enjoy it hopefully.
I like Mount and Peck.

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This may be my favorite trek series. Seriously, it is giving TOS and TNG a run for their money. There are some continuity issues that don't make sense if you are a Trek fan, but if you liked the format of TOS and TNG, this is back to that formula with a much bigger SFX budget and technical capabilities.

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Strange New Worlds is an incredibly fun and beautiful iteration of Star Trek well worth the watch for old and new fans alike. It refuses to take itself too seriously and embraces the love-letter-like format that calls back to a more optimistic future. There are some minimal ties to ST: Discovery that the show would do better to forget, but by and large these plot points don't detract from the story.

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E07 the best crossover ever, loved it

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Maybe after so many disappointments, I've lowered my expectations but I really liked this one. It feels like Star Trek, it's like coming home. That episode with "singing rocks" everybody hated, that one had the most original trek vibes for me. I love getting to know Pike and his demons, I love his shiny crew and I cannot wait for series 2.

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I enjoyed the first two episodes so far, but I agree with some of the comments here - I'm scared the woke crap ruining this show. Star Trek was always a show of diversity, but not in a 'self-congratulatory / let's shove woke in everyone's face' kind of way. I will watch this series with caution.

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rubbish.. singing rocks..? how has this 80% ?

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Shout by oo0

I enjoyed the first 5-6 episodes but the last few (including ep8) are shit

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I am so glad that this is a REAL star-trek series. Star trek Discovery a.k.a As the World Turns should take note and stop existing.

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Shout by Keldian
BlockedParent2022-06-15T11:05:27Z— updated 2024-03-20T21:15:07Z

Marks an unwelcome return of episodic sci-fi (fans of Stargate SG1 will feel right at home). Those who have outgrown that kind of cheese may enjoy the spacescapes and other eye candy, but will be left underwhelmed by the perfunctory, formulaic plot line that goes a bit like this: crew get in a tight spot, foreground character needing exposition this week techno-babbles a quirkily genius, last-ditch solution, crew proceed to navigate out of the tight spot with the help of a deus ex machina or two. The extreme danger represented never translates to any actual tension, as you know the leads will be left unharmed and fresh for the next "adventure".

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so far so good hopefully they won't ruin it like they did discovery

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This is what modern Star Trek should be!

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[SkyShowtime] Without being a passionate trekkie, this series recovers part of the original spirit, despite some ridiculous episodes and the not always successful attempt to attract new viewers with youthful characters. It is a very effective retro entertainment, with visual effects more than acceptable level and some successful stories, such as the "horror" episode. It seems like an attempt to go back to basics, but it also raises questions about whether this type of productions has ended up too stagnant in the past.

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THIS is Star Trek at its purest form.
Its amazing and all i ever wished for.
I hope this will get more seasons, it must.

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Shout by tvJackson
BlockedParent2023-01-04T04:30:35Z— updated 2023-01-19T04:52:39Z

This is like the Star Trek version of The Orville.

It suffers from bad writing and attempts to make humor in places where jokes are not expected.

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Damn! That's how we do it! :)
Perfect introductions of the characters and lively adventures.
The Storytelling, count of self-deprecating statements and references to other Treks are very well balanced/not intrusive and therefore totally charming (starting right from the first scene).
So, every franchise has its own watermark...and Star Trek is all about the future. Wait, no! It's about the optimistic idea of humanity, but with the magic that allows audiences to imagine it for today.

I bet this could become a new, long-lasting love affair.

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This is the Star Trek we’ve been waiting for! Best series since TNG. Back to its roots. Enterprise exploring the universe & getting into adventures with its crew of great characters. Very enjoyable!

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Finally a Star Trek worth watching. Paramount should save their money and cancel Discovery.

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This has been a long time coming...

Finally we get the Classic Old School Star Trek.... Yeah it's got added Woke but then it's 2022... But yeah it's way better than Picard... An better than Discovery...

Finally a show worth waiting for....

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debuts May 5/2022 according to Trek Roundtable

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Great show. Feels like Star Trek for sure. I prefer the episodic format. Anson Mount is absolutely killing is as Pike. Super glad to hear it’s been renewed for a fourth season.

All those complaining about Star Trek becoming woke fail to realize that it always has been.

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i cant decide which series is worse. this or discovery.

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As someone who grew up with Voyager and DS9 this was refreshing compared to the other modern Trek shows. The episodes are definitely hit or miss for me, but the ones that do hit are peak Trek. Lets not do a musical episode again though lol..

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Just rewatched S1 and finished S2E3. Must say this is really the best Star Trek series in ages! Very true to the original series in both types of character, episode and "file rouge" throughout the season. And too woke or not? Up till now it hasn't really disturbed me, looks like a fairly correct representation of society as I would expect it to be.
Just one minus, Kirk is so not Kirk, Captain Pike has 10x more Kirk vibes and looks than Paul Wesley. Really disappointing... Nothing against Wesley, but he just doesn't have "it". Luckily there's a lot of Pike :grin:

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This feels like the original star trek again. I can't stop watching.

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Incredible show, I loved every second of it! Classic Trek. Might even be my favorite Trek series now.

Highly recommend.

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I found the attempt to recreate the TOS narrative, with each character super expert in their own field, with several self-consistent episodes a bit clumsy and repetitive in the long run. I confess that more than half of the episodes I couldn't wait to finish. In short, certainly not one of the best Star Trek series. However, the last episode alone is worth the entire season. To be continued...

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This is the best season of any Star Trek in a LONG time. So enjoyable to have episodes that stand alone and are resolved at the end of each. Netflix has conditioned everyone for connected shows that are really just one long movie each season. I had so much fun with each episode being individual stories.....loved it! More like this please!

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I hated the whole season. I love Star Trek but this season sucks. Especially the singing.

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Two kinds of fan service existing. Good one and Picard.

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Jim Carey look-a-like for Kirk just loses me at times. Great series though.

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It was overall a great season. Some episodes were a bit hit and miss for me like 2x04 and 2x05 but most were absolutely exceptional and it ended on a great finale. This season is solid, better than season 1. Let's hope they continue on the same trajectory, it's a shame we don't get more episodes though.

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I really want to like this series and I do like the characters, but a cliched musical episode only halfway through season 2 suggests a real lack of ideas on where to go with this crew that we haven't been with others from the past or future in this universe. Maybe they need a theme to build these episodes around after all.

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Bit odd that they're saying that Starfleet knowingly left behind people (even if just bodies) and equipment on a pre-warp world for years. Yea I get that they had to evacuate in a hurry but surely they could send back a better equipped team to retrieve everything. Especially the bodies of deceased Starfleet personnel.

I like the episode overall though.

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I like the old-fashioned approach of this new iteration of Star Trek. Not all episodes are successful, but the desire to entertain translates into a pleasant pastime.

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At last, the ST we deserved since TOS. Must admit, the first 4 movies are quite acceptable, and ST-DS9 was pretty above average, but this is just Ad Astra.

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great show I really liked the story

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Holy Tricorder!! This is actually great? It really is! Classy and fresh, new the same time without reinventing the wheel. Cast is good to excellent as well.

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Like the old school story line of capt pikes beginning before kirk was capt of the original ship

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I was worried when I watched the first episode. I figured it would spiral into a woke soap opera with more emotional drama than plot, but it turned out to be a solid Star Trek series.

But let's not forget Discovery made a decent start too in season 1, before they progressively crashed and burned it in the subsequent seasons.

Don't misunderstand me, the show is not great or even particularly interesting, but it has laid a solid groundwork for hopefully more compelling and sophisticated plot elements.

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I am not an avid Trekkie, rather, someone who mostly joined in in the last decade, therefore I am not the one to compare Strange New Worlds to the classic Star Trek experience. What I can compare it to, though, are the newer ST series and movies, and in my opinion, Strange New Worlds is a nice new breeze that takes itself less seriously than Discovery or Picard but still manages to be great sci-fi and dramatic enough.
By the last seasons, I found the big speeches and plot armor in Discovery quite annoying, and I thoroughly enjoy the lack of these here. The captain actually sends the crew to missions; it's not Pike or not only Pike that always saves the day. Moreover, it's not the fate of the entire galaxy that depends on this one ship in every episode, which is also a breath of fresh air. The episodic style works, and thankfully, here, we have "fillers" that let the crew, the story, and the viewers breathe and have a little bit of fun in between intense episodes and parts.
Can't wait for season 2, I hope they keep this up!

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Shout by Schmoogie
BlockedParent2022-07-11T03:47:56Z— updated 2023-08-14T06:48:16Z

Another great show in the Star Trek Universe. Looking forward to more seasons.
However... I personally did not like S01E08 "The Elysian Kingdom" - but this is more of a me issue I think as I never really liked episodes like this in any of the other Star Trek series either. They just somehow feel cheap and lazy to me.
Also - S01E09 "All Those Who Wander" - come on! seriously?!? An ALIEN ripoff? Do better writers.

Season 2 was great - I especially liked the cross-over with Lower Decks - that was just pure fun.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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A modern Star Trek show worthy of the mantle.

Do yourself a favor and ignore Trekkies and their assessments of Star Trek shows, those people have long ago crossed the line of common sense in their quasi-puritan outlook on all things Star Trek. From the perspective of a science fiction fan who has watched all Star Trek content out there, this show has everything it needs to have to work; interesting and likable characters, engaging episodic stories and visually stunning delivery.

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The trailer was so cringe that I almost skipped this series but this week though I should at least give episode one a try. It was worth it. The show is actually good and is in no way as portrait in the trailer and I’ve enjoyed all of the first 5 episodes that I’ve seen. Whoever did the trailer should go do something else. The king of the cringe award awaits him.

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Finally some oldschool modern Star Trek! I hope they can keep this up because it has been a wonderful journey so far

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Temper your expectations with Doomcock's critique:
part 1 of his review of ep. 1

I'm still gonna watch it, I'm still gonna enjoy it, but his acerbic & biting push-back to all things Kurtzman does hold water.

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