and suddenly it becomes crystal clear why they released S3 info

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How many seasons did these guys go without dropping their comm badges? Now they drop their comm badge every time they get in trouble just so the writers can fill half an episode with an escape sequence that has nothing to do with anything.

Ooofff tho that story telling back story was the most un-star trek thing i've ever watched in a star trek show in my life - what in the hell did you just make me sit through? Why are you backfilling Picards story at this point? How is it so hard for them to find a borg queen in modern times? How is everyone so dumb?'re really starting to piss me off with how lazy you are getting now days, just holy shit people, it's never-ending tropes and filler, totally disjointed from the spirit of the show, moral grand standing every 2 minutes.....damn.....I mean I don't need you to get 20 people in the episode to remind me that picard did great things over his career either...

Total writers fail, and the over arching story moved maybe two inches

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It's so funny how many people here in the comments are wasting their time watching stuff they clearly don't like and haven't like for a while now.

I enjoyed this episode. Didn't think it was boring at all!

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I really didn't care for JL's childhood. He might have been right. It is insignificant.

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  • "Telling stories is not your thing". Hmmm, Picard is the best of story tellers. Have you heard of Gilgamesh, a King!
  • Taking a "Leap of faith" to bring Picard back is anything but Star Trek. Faith is more of a Star Wars thing.
  • WTF is this dream monster thing? What the hell is going on?
  • Giving someone from today 24th century technology and expecting them to use it correctly seems silly. That's like giving Napolean a phone. He wouldn't know what it is, or how to use it.
  • This show got a case of the nutrek dumbs.
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What an utter load if bullcrap written by some writer hack that's probably high on something. It's boring, Illogical and incoherent dragged out crap. Someone asked, can it get any worse? Well this is Hollywood so, yes probably.

And Picard dropping the communicator... what the f...? Whoever writes the episodes are not only a useless hack but lazy as well.

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All this episode did is make me want to re watch BSG!!

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I'm so glad this show has finally got its priorities straight and the writers do know exactly what we really want to see: Picard's daddy issues. In a nutshell: ugh!

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Are you frickin kidding me,
What a load of boring bull-crap, they are absolutely pissing all over trying to keep the space future thing under raps in fact they are going out their way to brag it off.
This is the worst episode in star trek history, utter Garbage. No wonder it all ends for good in season 3 never to return, thank god.
This is bad I mean really really bad, under the barrel bad. It was
painful to watch and now it's just unwatchable.
This shitshow needs to go away and never return.

We have proper Trek, the best trek ever created and it's an exciting flawless super awesome Masterpiece and is the phenomenal
Star Trek Discovery.

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They have three more episodes to try to make something cohesive out of this season. As of this episode, they continue to meander about without anything solid.

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4.5/10 - The strange drama continues. With some mindfuck now...

At least Teresa and Chris are still part of it :)
The rest was quite boring though! (None of it matters anyway and the bigger story is quite stuck, ironically.)

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I like the characters... but this season, except for the first 2 episodes, is boring, it's dragging with needless subplots (Rios and the doctor)... maybe they should have thought about cutting 2-3 episodes from the season, then it would have had a better flow. Regarding Picard: Where is Robert in the whole nightmare/memory-thing?

And please: one quote out of ST IV was okay, two are too much.

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I feel like Alice: Curiouser and Curiouse.
But this no wonderland.....

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Can't let the experience of the ending extinguish the self discovery of Father & Mother...sad & happy it was, and shared with that special someone -- I was there, even if he wasn't quite...yet?

And Rios being a bad boy...? So cool...

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Oh, for the love of keeps getting worse.

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I had to turn it off a few minutes in it was painfully boring

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Shout by C

what am I watching? did they just randomly pull out ideas from a hat? did they get Chris Chibnall from doctor who?

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I hadn't recognized Annie Wersching

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Spent a bit too much time in mini-Picard dreamland for my tastes but got some interesting backstory on his parents at least (with bonus James Callis!).

Also the device they used on Picard which basically did a Vulcan mind meld had an unnecessary flourish of including a cage in the shape of a Vulcan ear. If that device is Vulcan made it seems very out of character for the species to include it. If its made by another species tho its kind of a perfect marketing nod I could see being a thing.

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The episode make me remind of two of my favorites series: Battlestar Galactica and The Shield

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