Love it. "Fear is the Destroyer...."

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They totally stole the plot of Mass Effect xDD

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Just Wow!

Opposed to other reviews, I think the pacing is actually good in this Episode.
It is the first one I could actually feel things happening.

It was a bit sad, that Sevens best Scene was immediately followed by the worst turnoff ever...

"WE ARE BORG" actually gave me goosebumps coming from her - I wish they would have taken a minute showing something before the Drones got flushed...

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They could have left out a good chunk of the episode. But right towards the end, when they all started to work together, that felt like Star Trek. Putting the big picture in front of you and not your personal gains. Helping those who need help.
I don't care if that sounds nostalgic, if people say "this is a different time, a different Star Trek". If it says Star Trek it should adhere to those philosophies.
And now the dinosaur walks back in the night. :laughing:

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Shout by kinky
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-04-13T18:38:44Z— updated 2020-04-14T19:26:28Z


Those words, spoken by a thousand voices, as one, froze me on my seat. The best part of this episode, by far, was the return of the fierce, overpowering, ominous Borg... Even if only for a couple of seconds. Now, that's the kind of fanservice I like! And the thought of Seven of Nine as a new Borg Queen... Hmmmm! Delicious! Though I like her the way she is. Too bad what happened right after the return of the Borg, though... So frustrating!

Also, would the Borg really be dumb enough to leave behind a broken cube so that other species could salvage it and learn from it about the Borg, maybe even their weaknesses? Or maybe the Borg consider themselves to be so advanced, perfect and powerful that they don't really give a damn about anything that "inferior" species may be doing about them.

The more I watch this show, the more it feels that they nerfed Picard. Or maybe it's just old age that caught up with him. Either way, that's a captain without his mojo.

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Holy crap! They literally tore the story from Mass Effect!
Great episode and nice to get answers but those were some familiar answers. Synthetic life advancements reaching a threshold and triggering an attack by a powerful enemy? We need to get Commander Shepard up in here coz the Reapers are coming!

P.s under utilising Seven again but nice to have her either way.

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What a crapfest in every single way. From plotholes to acting to all the hidden agenda, the nonsensical writing and ludicrous "twists" everyone saw coming... Even without the leaks.

This isn't Jean-Luc Picard, this isn't Star Trek, this is crap.

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Love the characters, but I think pacing is really an issue with this show. This episode felt like a 50+ minute exposition dump. Hopefully now that so much of the backstory is laid bare the last 2 episodes will flow much better.

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I really don’t like how they use same actor for the ship computer as well. I know this helps them keep things cheap but it sucks.

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This was a good episode. Really good but it could have been great. They needed to do more with the Borg. They built up Seven connecting to the cube and activating the Borg then squat. Once the Borg were activated space vacuum should not have killed them. They long ago fixed that issue. I don't even think they would have all gotten sucked out. Maybe they'll show them being beamed back aboard.

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We’ve got Elinor the Legolas-like elf. Now we’ve got the overarching plot of Frank Herbert’s Dune series avoiding some awful, terrible future where artificial life forms wreck all life. And if that wasn’t too fine a point, the writers drill it home by having Picard say, and I quote, fear is the great destroyer, which is eerily similar to the Litany against Fear.

Ffs I sound like SUCH A NERD!

Damn you, Star Trek!

It was nice of them to tell us all this stuff now, I guess, without stretching it across 10 seasons.

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We’ve got Elinor the Legolas-like elf. Now we’ve got the overarching plot of Frank Herbert’s Dune series avoiding some awful, terrible future where artificial life forms wreck all life. And if that wasn’t too fine a point, the writers drill it home by having Picard say, and I quote, fear is the great destroyer, which is eerily similar to the Litany against Fear.

Ffs I sound like SUCH A NERD!

Damn you, Star Trek!

It was nice of them to tell us all this stuff now, I guess, without stretching it across 10 seasons.

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We’ve got Elinor the Legolas-like elf. Now we’ve got the overarching plot of Frank Herbert’s Dune series avoiding some awful, terrible future where artificial life forms wreck all life. And if that wasn’t too fine a point, the writers drill it home by having Picard say, and I quote, fear is the great destroyer, which is eerily similar to the Litany against Fear.

Ffs I sound like SUCH A NERD!

Damn you, Star Trek!

It was nice of them to tell us all this stuff now, I guess, without stretching it across 10 seasons.

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We’ve got Elinor the Legolas-like elf. Now we’ve got the overarching plot of Frank Herbert’s Dune series avoiding some awful, terrible future where artificial life forms wreck all life. And if that wasn’t too fine a point, the writers drill it home by having Picard say, and I quote, fear is the destroyer, which is eerily similar to the Litany against Fear.

Ffs I sound like SUCH A NERD!

Damn you, Star Trek!

It was nice of them to tell us all this stuff now, I guess, without stretching it across 10 seasons.

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We’ve got Elinor the Legolas-like elf. Now we’ve got the overarching plot of Frank Herbert’s Dune series avoiding some awful, terrible future where artificial life forms wreck all life. And if that wasn’t too fine a point, the writers drill it home by having Picard say, and I quote, fear is the destroyer, which is eerily similar to the Litany against Fear.

Ffs I sound like SUCH A NERD!

Damn you, Star Trek!

It was nice of them to tell us all this stuff now, I guess, without stretching it across 10 seasons.

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We’ve got Elinor the Legolas-like elf. Now we’ve got the overarching plot of Frank Herbert’s Dune series avoiding some awful, terrible future where artificial life forms wreck all life. And if that wasn’t too fine a point, the writers drill it home by having Picard say, and I quote, fear is the destroyer, which is eerily similar to the Litany against Fear.

Ffs I sound like SUCH A NERD!

Damn you, Star Trek!

It was nice of them to tell us all this stuff now, I guess, without stretching it across 10 seasons.

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We’ve got Elinor the Legolas-like elf. Now we’ve got the overarching plot of Frank Herbert’s Dune series avoiding some awful, terrible future where artificial life forms wreck all life. And if that wasn’t too fine a point, the writers drill it home by having Picard say, and I quote, fear is the destroyer, which is eerily similar to the Litany against Fear.

Ffs I sound like SUCH A NERD!

Damn you, Star Trek!

It was nice of them to tell us all this stuff now, I guess, without stretching it across 10 seasons.

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Nice, Picard mentioned Zefram Cochrane (James Cromwell).

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Saying that the end justifies the means is almost never true. Just because you let it happen once doesn't mean you let it happen twice

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Shout by Jim G.

RIOS: "It took her all of five minutes to hack my ship, Picard. And now, maybe there's a whole planet of them. Raffi said the Romulans call her 'the Destroyer.' What if they're right?"
PICARD: "They may be right about what happened 200,000 years ago. The past is written. But the future is left for us to write, and we have powerful tools, Rios: openness, optimism and the spirit of curiosity."

HAHAHAHAHA! Only an English/liberal arts major could possibly think that you win battles (let alone wars) with nothing more than warm fuzzies. Oh, well. This was a good outing up until this stuff late in the game, with plenty going for it. It's just a shame that someone in the writers' room had to go all Woodstock there at the end.

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