They'd tried to fool us by using male pronouns for the other ships pilot.

Did anyone else notice that the Bird of Prey was clearly a Warbird.

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This episode was awesome! And the ending... now I can’t wait for episode 5. The only thing I don’t like is Narek and his scenes with Soji. They have no chemistry and their story is so boring.

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The shows finally starting to take a few steps forward. Though, it still pales in comparison to Discovery

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Yesss Seven is in the house!

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I'm starting to think even Captain Rios is a hologram, an that La Sirena is controlled by an A.I.

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It sure is a big fanservice teaser there at the end, but as a lover of Voyager I had a genuine Holy S.... moment!

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Seven of Nine!! That was amazing fanservice and I'm totally cool with it! Really looking forward (even more) to where this is all leading to.

Not the most exciting episode, it dragged a bit too much in the middle, but it's still fun watching Picard slowly assembling a party in which there's already a healer, an alchemist (?), a tactical officer, and now a warrior. I guess Seven of Nine, if joining the party (hope so!) will be a wildcard. Soon, they will all be ready for the quest ahead of them!

Also, a big shout out to my boy Jonathan Frakes, who directed this one. Hope to see him joining the cast on screen for at least one episode!

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This one wasn't very good. The whole episode was basically just to introduce one character.

I liked the confrontation between Picard and the Romulans and what was said. But not the way they solved it. And it was clear what was about to happen anyway. At this point we didn't really need to see that Elnor is the great fighter everyone said he is. This could have been done much better later on.

I dislike Jurati more and more. She is nosing around too much. If she turns out to be a bad apple this was the worst try of deception. Maybe the writers are just misleading us by that. I admit it could go either way.

Information wise there is nothing we already knew. There were those kind of episodes in all the previous installments but those had 26 episodes per season. With a 10 episode season I really expect them to be more to the point and not waste running time.

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What in the Legolas hell is this Elnor nonsense? This is turning into Fellowship of the Ring.

Narek looks Elven, too. Like a dark Elf.

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This is so fricking bad I can’t and even won’t start because it isn’t worthy of my time. I have ONLY restarted watching because a friend said S3 is making up for all of this cringy "J.L.", being lectured, humiliated and bested by e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e. else and all males being bested and dominated by wamen. This is so on the nose, Chabum, Kotzman and the rest of these noodleheads aren’t even trying anymore. BUT unfortunately I am a completionist so I have to suffer through this dreck here.

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The last 2 seconds was the best. The fellas head coming off was pretty good as well.

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"Let's see what your sword does against my blaster." Intrigued to see as follows

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This show is too young to seem this tired already. The only thing saving it is people not named Picard.

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I'll just leave this "BIG SIGH" here, it's all I can muster.

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Romulan Samurai Nuns are the best hand to hand warriors in the galaxy? Ever heard of Klingons?

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Shout by Ana

Seven of Nine! I already knew she was part of the show, but it was such an exciting moment nevertheless.

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Some nice new adventures and flashbacks! :)

I find Agnes quite funny (and kinda cute) <3 The acting, the lines, it's just quite entertaining.

Some nice lines in general:

  • Rios: "The existential pain of living with the consciousness of death and how it defines us as human beings."
  • Picard: "I allowed the perfect to become the enemy of the good."

  • Elnor: "Please, my friend. Choose to live." -> "I regret your choice."
    Such a holo matrix is nice btw :)

Picard really seeked trouble at the end... :o
He might've meant well but what did he expect would happen?!?
I also dind't like the way the talked to Elnor - he could've said that nicer. Anyway, seems like Picard's mission is a lost cause now :D

I really don't like Narek's sister (she is his sister, right?)! She seems so full of herself and a control freak.

Seven of Nine seems like a (potentially) cool new character though :) (Technically not new but I don't know/remember her.)

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Still Star Trek Discovery is still the best and most exciting and the most awesome Star Trek ever made, Hella it's one of the best shows ever made period.
That being said Star Trek Picard is crawling along just not getting anywhere fast and the next episode brings us halfway through the season. I'm getting a little bored now and find myself having to grind each episode out. One certain name keeps me coming back and that's Picard, not JL, that needs to be dropped as I cringe everytime I hear it.
I loved the head coming off part and my favourite character at the end was frickin awesome but everything else just grinds along and the middle part god that was silly and so slow....Borg ritual really, yeah at this point whatever. And that incest Romulan brother and sister shit needs to stop it's creepy and boring.
Can't wait to get back to the Masterpiece that is Star Trek Discovery
after I've rapped up
ST-DSC is perfection and how you handle the Star Trek franchise the right way.

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a firecracker of an episode. Also, a squeeing moment at the end for many fans I'm sure.

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