What a crapshow. Thank god it's so ludicrous I have no problems removing it from canon. It did reduce my respect for Patrick Steward as he willingly helped destroy the legacy of Trek and his character.

The only good thing was seeing Riker in the captains seat and the fact it's over... for now.

I'd say lets hope season 2 will be better but then I remember saying that for Discovery every time and after hearing Picard would be back. Shame on CBS, Chabon, Goldsman, Steward and everyone else

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I think we all knew Picard was going to end up in that body as soon as it was revealed last week. Still a good episode. I liked seeing what is implied to be the permanent crew gathering at the end of the episode, though I'm trying to wrap my head around the thought of Raffi playing Kal-toh.

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With how bad our world is right now, sometimes you just need to cry, and damnit I cried until I couldn't anymore. This last episode was more emotionally charged than any episode of Discovery, and I'm all for it. So much nostalgia. I hope Sir Patrick Stewart hangs around for many seasons to come.

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Absolutely superb. Who would have thought I would be crying over a fictional Admiral and then a few minutes later a fictional android Loved it.
Roll on Season 2

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Does ANYONE who writes this stuff truly appreciate the legacy that came before it? Me thinks not....

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Wow. Talk about sticking the landing. There's a lot to process for me here, but this was so emotionally powerful, epic and thematically beautiful. I am so excited to be a Star Trek fan right now with the thought of everything that may lie ahead.

This show has such a good ensemble cast too, I'm completely in love with these characters.

The theme of this season has been there in the title sequence from the first episode: Picard, a broken man, needing to heal and be put back together. His guilt over the death of Data needed closure, his emotional resistance to needing others needed to be addressed. He's been missing a family and he needed to forge a new one. He needed purpose. It managed to fulfil this wonderfully.

My main criticism is what a ridiculous character Commodore Oh was. She kept preparing to cleanse the planet without actually doing it. It was like watching a children's cartoon whenever she was on, the only thing missing was her twirling a moustache and saying "mwah ha ha haa!"

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Loved it....great, so emotional and a few laughs....hopefully we’ll have more seasons
Would have been even better if the episode 9 and the final were an extended episode

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I think this season could have used one more episode or an extra 30 mins to fully end the season. Feel a bit rushed. Narek did not even appear at the end so we do not know what happened to him. Could have use some more borg cube action and more space battles even if briefly against the mysterious enemy. Narek sister getting beaten like that also felt rushed. Overall though I like this show. Hope Patrick Stewart can stay healthy a long time for more of his great acting :smiley:

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I was pretty sure Picard was going into the golem. Once they killed him I was certain. I would like to tell them to go screw themselves for killing Data. Again! All in all, it was pretty good. Riker was a bit of a surprise. A welcome one.

What I found less than pleasing. All the ships being the same. All the Romulan ships were one model and all the Star Fleet ship were one model.

The synthetics were wishy washy. First they like Picard. Then they don't like him. I guess they all went back to liking him in the end because they didn't try and stop him or Soji.

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Oh well... Words fail me to describe the frustration. At least we got to see Riker back in a Starfleet uniform, on the bridge of his own ship.

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A great episode, a fine ending to a fantastic season. The most interest I've had in a Star Trek season in years. I must admit, tho, I didn't much care for Picard coming back after such an emotional ending (at least for me, I cried as he died as he identifies for me Star Trek as much as Kirk, Spock, etc., does.) It feels like such a cheat, although it's understandable as it would be hard for Star Trek Picard to continue if Picard is dead. TV must continue to fill the pockets of it's masters!

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Shout by Jim G.
BlockedParent2020-03-29T06:11:04Z— updated 2020-04-15T01:06:56Z

This one was a half-hour's worth of an okay -- not good and certainly not great, but okay -- finale followed by 20+ minutes of the writers making like a bunch of college freshmen sitting around getting baked on a Friday night and having Big Thoughts About Life that seem original to them based on the two weeks of Philosophy 101 that they've had so far. The sheer volume of navel-gazing banality was impressive, but not at all in a good way. And then there was the fan service, which seemed to have only one rule: there is no such thing as too much pandering.

In short, this season had some great moments, but this finale was an embarrassing flop.

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The deus ex machina within minutes of a tragic death really invalidates the whole thing, and highlights the problem with this whole show - the writing. You can see sparks of a good story every now and then, and they clearly have all the components to do something great, but it never really comes together to something more than OK. And after the series finale, everyone and everything is fine, all problems are solved, and everyone can live happily ever after, and Paramount / CBS can squeeze some more money out of a dying franchise in another season.

I'm sure the stakes will suddenly be very high again, and in the end, everyone will be fine. I don't care anymore. If Patrick Stewart wants to destroy his iconic role, let him.

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Shout by Elliot

Raffi and Seven all of a sudden interlocking hands at the end as if they've a budding relationship was a complete WTF and 100% unearned. There's been no indication that Seven or Raffi are bisexual. If anything, I was half-expecting Seven and Rios to kiss after Picard's death. Have Raffi and Seven even shared much screentime??

It feels like lame pandering - if the show wanted to include an LGBT relationship (which would be great), I'd rather they had explored the hinted at attraction between Elnor and Hugh before the latter's untimely demise.

Beyond all that, this finale was weak and a disappointing end to the first season. Above all else, I hope that's the last we've seen of Narek.

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I think this made up for the mess that was nemesis, what a beautiful goodbye scene between picard and data, It was really emotional. I’m looking forward for season 2. AMAZINGLY DONE

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Terrible finale of a mediocre season. I don't need another one. Waiting for start of SNW here in Germany.

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It was a nice series for fans. Blue Skies was the song Data had stuck in his head when Riker first met him. He was trying to whistle it. Riker couldn’t remember the song. But Data in fact sang it at his wedding in Star Trek: Nemesis.
Anyway it was nice that they included the song in the season finale. So, this series had some Easter eggs for fans.
I actually was more into the Next Generation movies. Than the series. I probably missed a lot more Easter eggs for fans.
Narek being arrested was apparently edited out, I read. That explains him vanishing suddenly. I don’t know why they cut that out.
Story wise, the season could have been stronger. However, it’s the Easter eggs and respect shown to the Data character. That I enjoyed.

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Data's daughter sings, "Blue Sky"


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Good end of season, now, to wait for season 2

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Chekhov's Golem much! I think I was more emotional about Picard dying coz it was giving me Logan flashbacks coz all the way through I knew they'd resurrect him. They'd hinted about it enough.
All in all the Mass Effect storyline was averted and it was satisfying to see Starfleet rock up like that. They tied up the storyline with a bow and completed Data's journey. No idea where season 2 go.

Also as much as I'm thrilled they made Seven's sexuality more overt I'd rather have had some flirtation that would develop into more next season. That double couple reveal at the end just skipped the best part of people getting together for me.

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Shout by xilex

It was a journey, but it ended up in a happy ending instead. No universe-changing consequences at all. The uber-androids should have made it through, destroyed half the Romulan ships, half the Starfleet ships, then set it up for season 2 :)

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I haven’t finished the episode yet, but I was screaming at 7 of 9 when she failed to kill the Romulan, and instead says “step away from the console “. Really? How foolish was that? It was obviously written to have another hand to hand combat scene with the ladies, but only after having one of them do something enormously stupid.

I love this series, every single episode!

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