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Star Trek: Picard 2020

The best Star Trek in 10 years!

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Picard is c**p...

It's a long boring drag out...

Then in the last five minutes they drop a cliff hangar...

So I for one am no longer wasting time on this show..

Star Trek is supposed to be a Space Opera...
Not this drawn out bilge..
So from episode 4... I am walking off stage and shaking my head..
It could have been so much more...

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I completely disagree with almost everyone else here who think this show is no good. I thought season 1 of Picard was a fantastic series, honestly the best telling of star trek I've seen in a long long time. It wasn't perfect but it definitely wasn't as bad as half of you are making it sound. I keep seeing consistent comments saying "I watched x amount of episodes and that's all I needed to see." Yeah that's the problem, if I only watched 15 minutes of a movie I wouldn't be qualified to give my opinion on it either.

The real problem here is that people aren't satisfied with anything these days unless it's exactly how they remember it, and times have changed. Star Trek was always good about staying relevant and to act like the Federation would stay perfect forever is just naive. Thankfully Star Trek has evolved and changed with the times, even if half of it's viewers are stuck in the 80's and 90's.

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This show has a lot of flaws, but the dialogue is especially horrible. My god, whoever approved this script needs to be fired or never let work on a title as big a Star Trek.

Also, that constant flare from every single light source. Whoever thought that's cool, stay away from sci-fi shows.

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Next Gen was the Star Trek I grew up with, and I became a young adult watching Voyager. So I'll just say that Picard hit some amazing nostalgia for me and kept me massively entertained through my binge this weekend. I laughed, I cheered (repeatedly!), and I cried. I hope for a season 2 because I'd love to see more of this.

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I tried watching it but, I can't. boring.

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The trailer wasn't really what I expected it to be. Not better or worse, just very different. It feels homey and I like the entanglement with the old series. It's not going to be "Enterprise: Continued". Probably, like Andrew said, we should already let go of any real Star Trek expectations. Let's just enjoy the amazement of Patrick Steward's acting :). Sir Steward's charisma rises as he ages. And is it me or hasn't Jeri Ryan aged a day?

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So far not as good as first contact, but it sure as hell blows discovery out of the water.

It shows that a modern Star Trek show is indeed possible. Only problem I have so far are the romulan nuns who only pledge themselves to lost causes - begs to question how they can exist, especially when they are enemies of the Tal'Shiar, one of the best intelligence agencies in the galaxy - people who always "speak true" don't tend to last against intelligence agencies .

A few other borderline believable things in there, but nothing breaking canon.

I hope they continue building this timeline.

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I'm just going to pretend this show never happened because god, it was awful

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after almost 20 years without the real trek, i had almost forgotten what star trek made star trek.
this is like an electroshock from the past on steroids.

it's the distilled quintessence of what star trek always has been.
and it does it brimming with style, tension, character and emotion.

three eps in it's already right up there with the best star trek. it's everything and more i whished STTNG to be when i it aired (and i was a teen)...

to my utmost surprise it's with picard where startrek on tv finally sheds that 20th-century dust that's still clinging to STD like the plague. it neatly shatters every bad stereotype ST ever stood for. all while holding firm on the core values. i never thought that possible with so much tng-cast...

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Shout by TV Watcher
BlockedParent2022-05-15T14:08:25Z— updated 2023-07-07T19:09:05Z

Well, it was only a matter of time, it's Paramount, and they can't just leave things be - they need to woke things up and ruin good shows.

There was absolutely no need for 7 of 9 to be a lesbian, none. I'm pretty sure on reboots that the writers first question is: "who didn't have an obvious heterosexual relationship that we can turn into a gay person?" Every single show must have a prominent alphabet. Now, it was just a kiss and I don't have any issue with that, or even with them being lesbians, but it really serves no purpose in the show whatsoever.

Fortunately anything bad about Picard is redeemed in season 3. You can just go ahead and consider season 3 to be Star Trek the Next Generation Season 8! It was an amazing ending. I could completely leave seasons 1 and 2 behind and just extend STTNG with the final season of Picard. Absolutely amazing.

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Slow paced and I have to cringe every time a fight happens near Picard. Sorry to say it but he is too frail for fights. Gave up after 5 episodes.

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All the new Star Trek shows start off pretty well, then in the new seasons, they get stupid woke and cramped full of lectures on injustice and end with a cascade of feelings and irrational behaviour as if the future is entirely devoid of responsible adults.

I'm starting to think Hollywood has only kids that live in their parents'basement writing this weak sauce. If they had any life experience, they would be able to craft more realistic interactions.

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We the fans waited 19 years for an Indian Jones movie, and we got Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
We the fans waited 18 years to see our captain in action again, and we got the equally disappointing Star Trek: Picard.
This could and should have been a decent made-for-tv movie at 90 minutes, but at over 7 hours, it got lost in it's own bloat and moved at a glacial pace.

Sure, it was nice to see Jean-Luc being a captain again, for 3 minutes in the last episode. And, we got to catch up with a few TNG characters. But, by the last episode, when the climax was ramping up, I really didn't care about any of the characters, or worry about their fate. The epic final battle promised was neither epic, nor a battle. And, when the titular character has a terminal condition as a plot point, I was mostly annoyed at how they drug out his death scene when anyone could see the "big twist" coming a mile away.
I'm sure there will be another season, but not for me.

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I have watched Star Trek from the beginnin, with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy.

I have watched all of the Spin-offs, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Discovery.

Of them all I loved NextGeneration the most, with Patrick Stewart.

I just stumbled across Star Tek - Picard, and thought OMG OMG OMG must watch.

I have done and now cannot wait for Season 2

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I have never really watched Star Trek (except the odd episode of DS9 and Voyager) but having watched every RLM episode about it I can only feel sorry for the die hard fans...

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season 1 and 2 where kinda shit.. but season 3 is great! star trek as most Trekkies came to love from TNG and ds9

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Season 2, Episode 3 ended me. I limped my way to Episode 6 and died.

What is wrong with the people paying for and producing this mess?

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Who is Patrick Stewart supposed to be playing? They hired him to play a character that was written without a single personality trait in common with Captain Picard.

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Season 3 is excellent. I cannot overstate the awesomeness.

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Discovery or Picard. I don't know which is worse.

For my part, this is as far as I've gone. I'm off the Star Trek bandwagon.

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even within the universe of st:Picard, most episodes make absolutely no sense

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52 and a life long Star Trek fan,... And though the effects in Picard are awesome, The Virtue Signalling ruined it for me, though I was happy to see Whoopie had a smaller role in show as her Radicle Woke mindset of late left a sour taste. Lets hope they get the message and make a real Star Trek Picard for season 2.

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even though i'm a star trek fan this show makes it very hard to steal be a fan though the graphics are great it is such a slow moving plot and very simple story lines as it makes sense why the show couldn't be much better than what it is

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You are not Captain Picard, and this is not the Federation!

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i went in hoping it wouldnt be like discovery, and it seemed to at least manage that. Admittedly, i was hoping to see more like TNG, but with Patrick Stewarts career, i suppose it had to at least attempt to be big.

It wasnt all I was hoping for, but it was watchable all the same (compared to Discovery, I could never finish season 1 of Discovery).

if I was to try and describe Picard, I feel like this fits in line with the TNG movies, which were also different than the tv shows, as they had to fit shorter story arcs into a movie. Picard felt like those movies, glossy movie style production, more space action sequences, while also still exploring that age old scifi discussion about what it means to have sentience.

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Dull, really quite dull. They should’ve told this story over fewer episodes to keep something like a pace, so annoyed I kept watching till the end. GIVE ME BACK MY TIME PLEASE!

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Shout by CRTaipan
BlockedParent2020-02-08T12:45:41Z— updated 2020-02-18T21:33:08Z

Great Show, but definitely not to watch by drops and should be binge watched.... It's more a movie split in chapters than a TV show... Episodes are just a part and not a whole history... Should be release all at once... Wait until all are launch to watch.

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Wow, really enjoyed this. The first season i did not know what to expect, it was nice to see Jean Luc back, season two was nice aswell but season 3 was so amazingly awesome! I guess lot's of trekkies probably had to wipe a tear now and then. For me season 3 felt like i had a reunion with my long lost family The parts where Riker reacts to Worf's actions or sayings was just pure gold. Yes a season 4,5,6 and even a 7 would be really welcome specially if they will do some exploring of some unknown planets and bring back some more cast members like captain Janeway or Chakotay!

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I personally enjoyed season 1... season 2 was a disaster... and season 3 ignores both previous seasons (save for Picard's android body). So, watch season 3, then you get TNG reincarnate. But judging the whole series, you can't overlook the major unevenness in writing, the way season 3 brings back some form of the Borg, but ignores the developments about the Borg season 2 makes. So, overall, the series leaves a major questionmark in my mind. My advice: only watch season 3. It has its plotting and pacing issues, but if you're a fan of TNG it will leave you with a huge smile on your face.

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Shout by Jenny Gee
BlockedParent2023-04-24T19:26:30Z— updated 2023-05-13T00:29:36Z

If you've never watched this before, do yourself a favor and skip seasons 1 and 2. Season 1 and 2 (along with Discovery) are abominations and shouldn't even be considered Star Trek because Kurtsman and the people working with him know nothing about Star Trek and/or actively hate it and its fans.

Season 3 on the other hand was handed to Terry Matalas, who actually appears to like Star Trek and has worked on it in the past. He worked on TNG, and I believe one of the two other series as well. While not perfect the difference in overall quality (especially in the writing) is obvious and a little frustrating (why couldn't Terry have been in charge all along?).

Season 3 is a love letter to the fans. The original TNG crew are all given a moment to shine and are treated with respect, and serves as a perfect farewell to the crew we grew up loving. Season 3 also attempts and manages to fix many of the mistakes and problems created by Seasons 1 and 2.

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Season 1 was interesting and had a few especially fun moments for TNG fans. They could have built on the story.

Season 2 was one of the worst things I ever saw. Even an orange cat would be offended.

I think that's it. Star Trek is over. They utterly and completely destroyed it.

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What a ride season 2 was. I'm kind of glad that season 3 will be the end tho as Patrick Stewart is sadly too old to play Picard these days.
And forgive my maleness for a second or 2 - WOW what a hottie Alison Pill is. Maybe she's just getting better looking with age.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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This is literally just Mass Effect and not even in a good way. The only redeeming quality is Seven and the possibility of the connection to Discovery.

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The best Star Trek series, ever! Perfect acting, dialogues, just the right amount of action, extremely interesting plot that ties into previous Star Trek series and movies. Simply amazing! Everyone complaining about the series being slow just summarizes why there are so many crap series being made these days with childish dialogues and non-stop mind-numbing action. Finally a series that caters to a smarter audience, kudos!

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Starts slow but gets some nice trktion towards the end. Some familiar faces appear, I would recommend this for every fan.

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WOW! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: This is an amazing extension of the Star Trek world. It was great seeing so many of the old gang again. Can not wait till season 2 which will sadly most likely be delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic :mask::frowning2:

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I am enjoying the show. It manages to keep some of the old ST feel with a modern/adult vibe.

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My favorite Trek is STE. Call me crazy, but it is. STV and SNG are tied for second. This show, STP, just blew everything Trek out of the water. It's only one episode, but it's Ninja!! I hope STD takes a page or two from Picard. Love the show. Best Trek in 15 years.

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This show just plots along at the speed of molasses in an ice storm. It's excruciatingly slow and uninteresting. Sat through the first 5 episodes to really give it a chance, but enough is enough. 2/10

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I would be fine if the show was just dumb but it is boring too. The plot is full of holes. The characters are shallow or unlikable. There are like 10 plotlines that go nowhere and the conclusion is not worth the wasted time. There are a few fun moments (intentionally and unintentionally) but most of the time you gonna just wait for things to happen.
It's visually stunning and I like seeing the old characters on the screen again but I recommend watching TNG instead. It's much more fun.

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This show had a decent first episode, but all the others are so bad. Sorry, I leave it

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It's. So. Boring.
4 episodes, yet we don't know where this show wants to go... Not boldly at all.

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This is not Star Trek and this picard is not Picard from TNG.
ok how it's the first episode??
script is really dumb and doge is a mary sue, this episode was bad but not bad as STD, but its still bad, these ppl dont understand Star Trek, no surprise they fuck up again.
I've watched TNG with a smile in my face, this trash named STP i couldn't fake one.

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Being a fan of TNG and in particular to the stoic Captain of that ship, I was very hesitant to watch this show. Added in it was being done by CBS which has had a long track of duds, I finally had to check it out. 4 episodes in and bingeing the rest, it’s wonderful. Patrick Stewart shines his talents, the storylines are thus far captivating and the graphics are splendid. Added in just enough touching upon of history of Picard to make one smile, yet not enough to rule out any new watcher of the Star Trek world, Picard is a win.

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Long time ST fan. This version is not so subtle cliched wokism. 4 episodes in - I think I'm done.

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Shout by Deleted

January 23, 2020 simply can not get here soon enough! :)

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All new Star Trek shows are the same now. Apparently in the universe in the future there are no men left and went extinct so it seems, 90% wherever you look are women. Amazing. Why did they have to make this over exaggerated crap? Change the name to Star Girls, pls...

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This is another Star Trek franchise failure.

Here in the 2nd season the whole thing has a Joe Biden vibe, senile old man wanders around in a fog with glimpses of his glory days either perceived or imagined.

It's boring and uninspired.

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Shout by kinky

Star Trek: Fanservice. Watch it at your own peril.

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The overt social commentary is starting to make Picard almost impossible to watch. Stat Trek has always some social commentary but never this much in your face. This is true of both the current Stat Trek Shows.

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"Sheer F*cking Hubris"

That's all you have to know about this disaster of show that was not Picard just an empty shell and by the end it's actually just that. The writing is a joke, the pacing is worse, the characters have changed into caricatures of themselves and it's painful to watch 7 of 9 specially just became a trigger happy lesbian! and that's just one of many f*ck off. Those involved in this should be fired and expelled from show business.

Just horrible and utter crap!

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I disagree with the negative comments. I thought it was a good/great show in the Startrek Universe. By no means was it perfect like people expect it to be.... But I felt it was a great show to watch nonetheless. Give it a chance, watch it start to be gaining and give it a chance!

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I sat through the first three episodes on pure adrenaline. I mean... Picard is back! The following three episodes I sat through of out loyalty. And now from the seventh episode and forward I just sit with big smile on my face with so much love for this show.

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I have always liked Patricks acting and his voice. Working on stage produced amazing ability to project his voice. However, as it does for all - age is catching up and I feel that has changed him allot but still great to watch. Just wonder does anyone else recognize this?

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Starts a bit more wierdo than usual. Hope it evolves on the way to fullfill the high expectations.

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I wonder how this show got a rating above 7. The acting is sooo bad.

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No! This series is an insult to every Trekki. Also or just because it wants to flirt with me as fan and at the same time tells me that I am a complete idiot.
Is this really supposed to be scifi in the sense of Star Trek? I'm a hardcore fan of TNG, DS9, Voyager, all the movies till First Contact (Borg queen was my personal jumping-shark moment BTW) and I can't even list all the plot holes and inconsistencies.
All the retro easter eggs in the universe can't make up for that and now, they just bore me. The first season was still mediocre with a subterranean finale.
At the beginning of the second season I had hope. Now I have to say that this series is worse than anything I have seen as a Trekki (...and I seriously tried to continue watching after the second season of Discovery). This whole thing is a bit of a icarious embarrassment, but I will still finish Season 2...dunno why.
EDIT: Now, I am done and have to reduce my rating to 3, sorry.

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Second season is a million times better! So far it makes no reference to the first season even though it does use a few characters introduced in the first season. Highly recommend this to any true TNG Fan who was pissed about the last season.

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Watched it for Cpt. Picard. It would be nice if like the old days every epsisode was a story on its own. I will continue watching because i am such a great Star Trek fan but i think it could have been way better if they followed the old style. Anyways, imo it is 10 times better then Star Trek Discovery with their hideous orc klingons

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Has it good moments but is very cheesy

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[Written after episode 3]

I am very delighted by this new series. Stewart is always a joy to watch, even now in his older days. The visuals are great and the music is just fantastic. I am not so sure about the story, it is somewhere between average and very good, depending on how the story will develop itself. What I am little worried about is the focus on secondary characters (they barely feel like secondary sometimes considering their screen time), that we will (probably) only see connect to the main character and story near the end of the season. It kinda feels like filler or irrelevant at times, while also taking some of the mystery out of the story. Those are no big complaints though.

And even if all else was just average, the music alone makes it worth watching.

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if it has the first name as star trek it means great, as an 38 year age man I will not see more of space SyFi, cause the time is not with us, it would please me to watch this type of TV shows in my time line, I hope to the humanity to reach the potential of peace and explore the space.

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A promising and intriguing start.

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As someone that has not seen all of Star Trek and do not really have a connection to the characters, this one seems to rely heavily on whether or not you make the connections between characters and plotlines. If you do, this will likely be a feel good revisit to characters and stories that you love. However, the first two seasons were average at best and it was quite a bit of time to get the payoff of the rock solid Season 3. The lack of "standalone-ness" prevents me from recommending this one more, but if you do check it out make sure to stick around until the end.

Average Season Review: 7.5/10

Recommendation: Watch if You Need Content (For Star Trek Fans)

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Shout by Dustin
BlockedParent2023-10-30T09:07:05Z— updated 2023-11-18T11:12:28Z

Season 1 was alright, but definitely not as good as I was hoping it to be. Don’t get me wrong, I still love Patrick Stewart, but the story was just not as exciting and a bit weak.
That made me wait really long to watch season 2—mostly because people had told me season 3 was good again.
So as expected, season 2 was a complete disappointment and I wish I could unsee it. What a mess. best thing is: they pretend it never even happened in season 3.
Season 3 was exactly the way the whole series should have been: an amazing nod to the original Next Generation series. Just fabulous and I did not want to stop watching it. Now I am actually sad that the tv show has ended.

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Season 1 and 3 are really great but the second season i crap. So a good rating overall seems fit.

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Picard was much more of a professional as a captain, but he's a generation older now.

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Pandering and fan service to the highest degree possible... and I couldn't have been happier about it.

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Season 3 crossed the final frontier of good taste. This is how the Rolling Stones look like in 40 years! Good story but overdue actors.

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well i dont like season three at all i loved season one the most two was ok first three episodes of season three very bad..well i skip it because its ending to just ok u guys everyone has his/her own opinion

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Shout by Ferd

Only watch season 3, forget 1 and 2 were ever made and don't watch them - you won't be missing anything.

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This season reminds me of when we were in covid lock down and we ran out of coffee beans and had to re-use them, the second time which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but the 3rd time was not good and went straight down plughole, this season I can only imagine is like if I used them a fourth time.

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Amazing finale, I hope Seven gets her own spinoff!

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Thank you for this. Thats all i can say. Thank you :pray:

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What a great series, like others have said, it's not as bad as some make it out to be. Original, TNG, DS9, Voyager all had there ups and downs. Just watched season 3 finale, not going to spoil anything, but WOW. Let's hope for a new series to come out of this. Nice "Marvel" secret ending in end crefits

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Whomever thinks this iw show sucks doesn't know Jack about star trek. If the cast were 20 years younger bet you all the negative reviews will play a different tune.

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This is an updated review based on Season 3. What a turn around, this season is vastly better than the sad rambling mess that was Season 2. Bravo to the writers for pulling out of that nosedive.

Anyway, Season 3 was compelling and not too sappy. Reintroducing so many of the old cast and bringing in multiple old enemies was a good choice to re-engage the fan base.

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so many questions. how are the borg back after season 2 . how is the enterprise c analog ???

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So happy this is the last season.... some tv shows just going to far when it is over his top examples: chicago pd,law and order svu

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Season 3 is just amazing tv. Just amazing! Great show, story etc etc so happy

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Absolutley the best Star Trek out there so far! Especially season 3!

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Shout by nschuck

Season 3 is the best Star Trek in years. Season 1 and 2 havent been retconed, but they have done a good job of pushing forward and ignoring most of it. The new show runner, Terry Mathas? has done a love letter to the TNG fans that should have been done in Season 1. I wish this would last longer, but its been epic. Episode 6 was AMAZING and it brought back a long time fan favorite character to finish their story. I recommend skipping right to Season 3, ignoring 1 and 2, you dont need to watch them at all for this.

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the cheesiest series I've ever God, my eyes and ears are still hurting.

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Season 2 finale summed things up very well. I really enjoyed it. Actually was the best episode of the series!

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I’m not a Trek fan, outside of the movies, so I probably missed a lot of Easter eggs and plot hints throughout. I gave it a good rating because I like the undertones of “humanity can and will do better” but it was a little dry, and long. Plus I don’t really like “let’s fix the timeline” plots much. Patrick Stuart was great as usual but they didn’t seem to ever make me think there would be a nice happy ending. Agnes was great too, the angle bringing in the Borg was cool as well.

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Getting better and better will see how will develop in the future

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Thir 3 serie is really boring.

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season 2 episode 7 is not out on Amazon yet that means it's not being released yet please fix schedule m8

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I love this show. Much more intimate

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  • Story 3/5
  • Characters 3/5
  • Depth 3/5
  • Cast 4/5
  • Artistry 2/5
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The worst part is that Sir Patrick Stewart cried over this show.

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Great show to follow up the events of Star Trek : Nemisis


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This was a great show. Who would have thought that we would get back our old Star Trek adventurers. Bring on season 2. NEVERMIND a movie! TV shows are what make Star Trek, Star Trek.

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Watched entire season. Enjoyed it!

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Data's daughter sings, "Blue Sky."

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