The show continues to disappoint with its narrow focus on Michael's emotions and personal journeys. It strays from the Star Trek ethos of exploration and diverse perspectives, centering almost exclusively on her character. This approach diminishes the broad appeal of the universe, reducing what could be a rich tapestry of interstellar storytelling to a monotonous solo narrative. The series might more aptly be titled 'The Michael Saga: Emotions in Space,' as it fails to capture the quintessential ensemble spirit that has defined Star Trek's legacy.

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Interesting twist on the time loop trope.

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When Discovery does time loop episodes, they always do them well (the other one I'm thinking of is the one with Mudd killing Lorca)

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Another brilliant episode. Doing something right for season 5.

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I found this episode pretty boring. Also, the story line was sort of wash, rinse and repeat of past trap in time line loops.

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Crew is laying half dead in the floor, should we help them or even for life signs? No, let's walk away and talk about our feelings. We have 13 mins left to save Discovery, let's all talk about our feelings first! Fight scene extremely weak. Doesn't have the captain from the past order Burnham from the past too stand down. I'm about to bail on this.

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A good episode. Interesting take on Time Warps. The team are pulling together well. :thumbsup_tone1:

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That was such a great episode, and I felt this was a direct attempt to explain the new DSC dynamic compared to other shows. Sure, adhering to a hierarchy to a T worked in the past, but me rewatching TNG I can't help but cringe when Picard is cold to his crew for no reason. I get it, he's the captain and seek respect but idk how long he would have lasted on that bridge before getting stunned. This episode does a great job at displaying why crew cohesiveness matters.

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First 6 mins and we already have, let’s talk about our feeling while the enemy bends us over and fucks us. God the wokeness is out of control with this show.

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Oh no not one of these.... Will the next episode be another musical or animated? Sigh...

The logic of the "time bug" makes absolutely no sense either.

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A fine take on a clip show. Kinda lame plot.

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