The Star Wars has invaded Star Trek Universe

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It might look and smell like star trek but this is not star trek

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Wow, could be the best season yet!

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Five minutes into the episode, I'm reminded of how much and why I hate this show so much. Tonally off from Star Trek, can't stand most of the characters. Writing doesn't seem to be doing any of the actors any favors. Also, did this just set up the final season being what was done in one episode of TNG? I mean, I suppose it makes sense that what Picard can do in less than an hour, it'll take the crew of Discovery to do in 10.

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:confounded:Wow, 2 life forms on board on a ship containing an extremely important artifact lost for 800 years. Let's pick 3 people from our ship with hundreds of trained personnel and also include our captain for some reason. Watch the mission fail miserable [again] and let's cry and talk about our feelings. Also bring back the most annoying character from previous seasons and make her even more annoying, this must be a great success!

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you know, if i was watching a show five seasons in and still moaning about it i think I'd probably have given up by now but that might be just me

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Disappointing, chaotic, and incoherent, with Michael focusing excessively on her feelings—far more than I care to endure. The storyline feels forced and thin, signaling a franchise descending into yet another nadir. I believed the last season set a low bar, but this initial episode suggests the season may plummet to new depths as it progresses , leaving little optimism for any forthcoming redemption.

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More importantly, how will the Discovery's crews' feelings be affected by finding the 800 year old Romulan vessel? Will random crew member X be able to understand how they feel about themself, and how will that impact on the feelings of the other crew members' understanding of their own feelings?

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Wow they kicked woke to warp speed.

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Yes, it is still complete garbage. The only good thing about it is that it was short and didn't waste too much of my time.

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This is so bad. The character and story make me vomit all the time. Good graphics though.

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Best season ever. Just when you think they can’t raise the bar on feelings and annoying characters, well they prove you wrong. Season 5 takes this to a whole new level. Even warp speed has feelings now that the crew must talk about. And the story this season; search for the holy grail but in space. Can’t wait for the wokeness this season. I’m gonna get an extra box of tissues, cry, and wait for all the gayness to kick in. This gonna be an gaysome season.

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Great start to the season. Good they didn’t hide what IT is and some nice call backs to previous events.

Hopefully it will be a great ride ending this amazing show. :vulcan_salute:

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Discovery is a confusing soup of changing personalities and odd direction choices. I’m still going to watch the season because it shares the Star Trek brand, but perhaps it’s better to label it as its own thing… if only to enjoy it as ‘a’ sci-fi show.

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Terrible opening to a new season, storyline was all over the place.!

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After five seasons, I'm still struggling to recall a single bridge crew member's name. This portrayal doesn't quite capture the essence of what "Trek" means to me. It feels more aligned with the rapid pace demanded by today's short attention spans, reminiscent of the JJ Abrams universe. This stands in stark contrast to the rich narratives and character development of classics like Next Gen and DS9. There's a notable absence of thought-provoking storylines akin to "In The Pale Moonlight." Instead, it seems geared towards mindless entertainment, earning a solid 8/10 for action-packed television but falling short with a mere 3/10 as a representative Trek episode.

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Didn't think it could become worse... I was wrong. Each season is much worse than the last. This one doesn't disappoint..

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Oded Fehr was in the "Mummy" movies,
but I remember him most from "Sleeper Cell."

And, David Cronenberg, for writing, "The Brood," "The Fly," "Dead Ringers," "Naked Lunch," and, directing, "Dead Zone."

This ep was good, very good? Very much liked Saru's happy ending, and thought the distance between our leads as a parallel to our distance from the series... been a while, (they should've called), and, maybe it's hard to move past some things we're critical of.

Hope everyone's heard the news about the possible upcoming reboot of all things Trek, if the sale goes through. But, some things already in the pipeline are supposedly still going to materialize. I'm looking forward to Star Trek without Kurtzman!

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Stopped watching. They killed Star Trek.

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Like everything else these days, this is a disappointment. This is not Star Trek.

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I liked the first two (perhaps even three) seasons of Discovery, but especially after they went to the future the show lost it's voice.

I can't put my finger on it, but it does not feel like Star Trek anymore. It kind of feels like the modern Star Wars films/series.

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Why are they ruining every franchise like this? Has some cult invaded Hollywood or is it Bodysnatchers? This is awful.

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I actually got nauseous with that much action.
Also, "let's fly" is still a terrible catchphrase.

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Impressive action and visuals.
Strong hook/mystery and decent pay-off at the very end.
Callum Keith Rennie is fun to watch as Captain Rayner.
Too much (unconvincing) Burnham-Booker romance stuff along the way, but the Saru-T'Rina scenes are great.
My 300th TV episode of 2024. Averaging 1h12m of TV per day.

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I liked the TNG callback. The episode overused CGI in some places. Not a fan of the second captain. The treasure hunt plot seems interesting.

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Shout by Zoso5

Wow there was almost no crying!

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"Star Trek: Discovery" is a series that holds promise but struggles to find a consistent tone. It veers from moments of genuine greatness to bouts of cheesy melodrama that border on feeling simplistic. While the emphasis on emotional conflict resolution adds depth to the characters, it sometimes feels forced and rushed, with little room for nuance or development. The show's tendency to prioritize moving quickly from one emotional conflict to the next can make it feel a bit disjointed and lacking in a cohesive narrative flow. Overall, "Star Trek: Discovery" shines when it embraces its more mature themes and tones down the overt dramatics, offering glimpses of the high-quality storytelling fans were hoping for.

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Star Trek Discovery is hands down the best Star Trek. However Tilly is the worst and the 2nd rate Ray Vecchio is almost as annoying.

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A good start to the season. Lot's of action and an intriguing mission ahead of the "Discovery" :thumbsup_tone1:

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