That's barely watchable. They jump around from place to place (and time to time), travel hastily from crisis to crisis, and can't stop to show their emotions and talk about their feelings. It's either that ore one explosion after another. Plus, it's costumes and lightning like it's 80s Tron, and they hired camera men on speed. And the OST is way too bombastic. Not one person is a credible Star Fleet officer. Perhaps the Doctor... And it's way too much focused on Burnham (and a few other characters). Why do they need a crew if the story entirely relies on super heros. This episode is actually an empty shell. Nothing of consequence happens - except that they collected some data.

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This one was more boring than the last one. Its becoming a soap opera. Hell Janeway was better. Never thought I would say something like this.

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I don't want to sound picky, but in both this episode and the last one, where do the falling rocks come from inside the spacecraft? Surely the ceilings of the command deck are made of some composite material and not rocks/concrete?

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Still amazed that Discovery, which to the new federation and occupants of the future galaxy are the equivalent in our time of someone appearing from the dark ages 1091 AD, have so much to contribute and people take them seriously. They’re from the historical equivalent of before Columbus “discovered” America ffs! The anomalies should be a no brainer for people 930 years in the future to figure out without anyone having to risk their lives for data. Can we have more technobabble awesome technology amazingness and less lovey dovey hand holding feeling sharing, tippy toeing, everyone is so soft and always tearing up it’s unbelievable. Also, I reckon the anomaly is sentient and they’re all going to forgive it because it didn’t know what it was doing, it’s probably a baby, and sing kumbaya. Oh and that Ni’Var woman is probably in on it somehow, She’s probably a Romulan, they’re always mucking about with singularities.

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Change the story line..what a boring first two episodes so far. Do the producers know that they are ruining this series. We will be not keep watching this mundane story about "the burn" and seeking out data. My housemate fell asleep watching both episodes.

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Shout by Keldian
BlockedParent2021-11-25T20:17:38Z— updated 2022-12-18T19:55:22Z

You know how Netflix lets you skip the intro—I now wish they also gave us a "skip Gray" for this show. Gray is the guy in Louis CK's skit who says "y'kNow, pEoPLe frOM PhoENiX arE PhOEniCiaNs". I don't think I'd encountered such a cringy irrelevant character being shoved in the viewer's face in any show ever.

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This was verging on too much soapy drama for me but I'm still enjoying and intrigued by the main sci-fi narrative. Also, after multiple iterations of the show, I wish they had realised that we don't need kid / young adult characters - they're consistently annoying, just to varying degrees - I felt the same about Wesley, Jake, etc when I was basically their age while watching as I do about Adira and Gray in Discovery now.

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This episode was the final nail in the coffin!

I've watched and enjoyed pretty much every episode of Star Trek over the years, some of them many times over, but this Star Trek Discovery is sooo f*cking boring and believe me I have tried to like it, but it's finally time to call it quits, kthxbye!

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Way too much talking about feelings and hugging it out. Is this Star Trek or Day Of Our Lives?

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Omg all they do on this show is cry! And they’re like 1000 years out of date. They should be out of their depth 24/7 but they’re heading the great data gathering expedition. This show needs a reality check and I say that for a sci-fi show lol.

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Star Trek my feefees, dear God what a bad written show everything is emotional, and tears and hugs are around the corner in every scene is really tiresome, the acting is so bad is surprising this are the best actor they auditioned, really really bad.

And how come people that comes from 900 years in the past are explaining things to the others ones? It's need too much suspension of disbelief.

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I like the series, but I wish they would find a way to get rid of Burnham permanently. Her constant switching to loud whispering to try and make herself sound exciting is irritating. It also seemed strange that when Saru asked to become Burnham’s first officer, nothing was mentioned of how Tilly felt about suddenly losing the position.

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[7.3/10] Glad to see the show grappling with Book's trauma, and it's well-balanced with a crisis of the week in the form of info-gathering within and escaping from the titular anomaly. The way the show navigates both issues simultaneously is well done, and it's nice to have Saru back in the saddle as a sage advice-giving advisor.

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Why It's so hard to feel anything while watching this episode? I was completed zoned out.

What a predictable and already done this script was.

I'm sorry for who is paying paramount+ to watch this.

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I really enjoyed the first 2 seasons. S3 disappointed, and S4 is a complete snooze fest. I really can’t see it getting any better. It’s a 100% background noise to fall asleep to program for me at this point.

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You have to say "Thank you" to the people you work, to family, everyday and in every situation: lesson learned in this episode, after it was repeated a lot thru the entire 40 minutes.

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To echo the falling rocks comment, why are there flashes of fire on the bridge in the first two episodes? Fire on a spaceship would be a big no no. It’s pretty cheesy set design and special effects.

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Unfortunately, it shouldn’t even be named Star Trek. Last year it was so boring and beginning that way again. Need new captain for sure and story line. Crap

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Shout by tvJackson
BlockedParent2023-02-13T03:07:38Z— updated 2024-04-23T15:32:02Z

Are they on the discovery ship from the past? Or have they upgraded to a spaceship from the year 3000. Each year, don't the new models get new features?

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