I don't like sport. I have no idea what baseball even is, some strange foreign thing maybe? But I quite love this episode despite the fact that I don't understand the game part of it at all. It's a wonderful display of all the characters camaraderie and passion, and it's damn funny. It's such a bizarre thing for the show to do, but it works.

Avery Brooks is on fire here with a powerhouse performance. He makes it look like he's having fun and it's infectious. His animated exuberance is wonderfully juxtaposed by the stoic Vulcan captain. On top of that, all of the other characters get a chance to shine with excellent comedy coming from Worf, Odo and Rom.

I also love how much Kira gets into the game, and that she's pretty good at it.

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Fantastic light fun episode, I spat my tea out at Worf and Nogs interaction:

Nog - "What do I do?"

Worf - "Find him and kill him."

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A filler episode? Yes. A fun episode? YES!

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Good shit. Mmmmh, good shit! This is the Star Trek filler episode I live for. Thank you.

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Exactly what was needed, after the last few episodes.

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Worf's handwriting might surprise you.

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2023-10-21T20:06:24Z— updated 2023-10-24T15:47:23Z

DS9 rarely does holo-episodes. But when they do a holo-episode it's almost always good. If I recall this correctly, at this point, this is only the second holo-comedy (Our Man Bashir was the first in my book). It's great fun. I love Baseball. It's the only of the major US sports that I thoroughly enjoy (hockey is great too but that's of course a Canadian sport :-) The pacing and tradition of the game is almost poetic. And this episode encapsulates the atmosphere of the ballgame perfectly. This episode is probably in both the top 20 of all holo-episodes and of all comedy episodes in the franchise. You must love those people after all what you have experienced with them over the course of 6 seasons. An extremely satisfying episode. A field day for the actors. Odo becoming Frank Drebin is hilarious. Plus, as a bonus, you got to hear the national anthem of the Federation.

It's not even a pure comedy episode. Like every good sports movie, it's a story about leadership, teamwork and dealing with losses. And dealing with Vulcans.

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Smiled so hard my face hurt. 10/10

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probably my fave DS9 episode. was great to see Rom in the role of the hero.

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