Don't like this episode. Never liked it. Glad, that's not the typical "Miles must suffer episode" but it was never really exciting. Despite the ambitious stage design (a dystopian world with shady Illumination and flickering light bulbs), I feel it's another inconsequential experiment. In theory, it's perhaps cool. In practice it's only mediocre. Most of the time you don't know what his task really is. And despite finding out at one point (something with the Dominion and a criminal syndicate), you never really understand what is really at stake for the federation and how important this mission of Miles really is. The story doesn't seem to care either. In the end it's only a story about Miles trying to be jolly good friend (he's a jolly good Irish family man after all). If that's supposed to be an emotional ending, writers failed. I don't care about this guy. I don't know him, he's obviously a not very clever criminal and I find it hard to believe, that Miles really became a true friend of his. Plus, I don't like these Mafia vibes. It's like parts of The Godfather but much worse.

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Strobe and flashing lights warning for anyone who cares. Honestly, kudos to O'Brien finally getting a coolish (in theory) solo where he doesn't get physically tortured, but it's really not worth the headache and nausea. Skip through and watch the last 5 minutes, you'll not miss much.

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