This episode created gay rights in 1995! We'll stan forever!

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I've a love/hate relationship with this episode, and it always reduces me to a snotty, tear stained, mess. See, I'm a queer artist/film graduate, so this hits a little close for comfort but also, it's just such brilliant, ground breaking filmmaking.

"Rejoined" is really well put together, everything is in cohesion - the story is beautiful and heart breaking, the acting is top tier, the cinematography is smooth and sensitive... steady camera shots, important background work to add depth, lots of close-ups because the episode is all about emotion and the easily missed, subtle body language is key... just some great stuff... that wrecks you(me) and makes you(me) contemplate life choices.

Like, ok, yes, there are consequences all around, which ones can you live with... what would you do for the "greater good"?

...aaand now I'm sad again. I keep saying that cognitive dissonance is literal pain.

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Damn Curzon and his impulsive "rule-breaking" behaviour.

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