A great idea on paper that doesn't quite succeed on screen. This was an episode I watched quite a bit as teenager because I really liked the concept behind it. Watching it now, I see it as a bit of a mess that could have worked but didn't quite make it. Bashir is front and centre throughout the whole then, and Siddig does quite a wonderful job but his performance is hampered by the terrible old man make up and the wobbly age he needs to show.

Having the crew represent different parts of his personality is a very Star Trek-esque thing, and maybe it's because of that that it somehow feels a bit tired here. Or maybe it's because none of the parts played by the rest of the cast really do anything interesting. The Lethean is quite awesome, though.

I found it hard not to laugh when old man Julian is knocked to the floor and weakly cries out, "my tennis balls!"

If there's any reason to watch this, though, it's for the Bashir/Garak moments. The opening and closing scenes of their lunches together are just superb.

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