It became a tradition on this show to have at least one episode per season in which the character of O'Brien is put through hell. While there have been some up to this point that could sort of fit that description, this seems to be regarded as the first "official" one. I don't know why the writers had it in for him.

This is a clever and fun episode with a great twist that, on your first viewing, is a real surprise. We spend the whole episode thinking that something is wrong with the crew of DS9, only to find out that it's O'Brien himself who is the odd one out. It has a bit of a creepy vibe and it's off-putting to see everyone acting a little strange but not understanding why. It unfortunately loses that surprise value upon rewatch but remains a solid episode.

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When Miles is messing around in Ops, one of the isolinear rods is backwards.

This is the only episode in which I can remember seeing something remain on a uniform tunic after a crew member removes their combadge. It's gone in the next shot, but when O'Brien takes his badge off in the corridor there's a white-ish spot of some kind under where it was.

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