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Season 1

Not a huge romcom fan and this isn't gonna convert me but it was a breezy watch whenever I wanted to pop on something simple and the will they-won't they opposites-attract age difference of it all kinda hit at the right time.
A lot of the characters felt like fluff and were no where as interesting or watchable as the main couple although Bruno's friend/co-worker Albert was a welcome presence (after also enjoying Tom in Please Like Me I guess I'm a sucker for the straight-man straight best friend character)

What really drags it down is way too much time apart for the main couple, the chemistry is great between them: both the sexual/romantic tension and the believable chasm of differences between them and misinterpretations and miscommunications driving them apart. The lack of shared screen time between them in the middle chunk of episodes is filled with too many side character plotlines I just don't care about who don't have an iota of the chemistry between Alex and Bruno

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