Hands down the best 90 mins of television I have ever watched. There is nothing not to love about this episode, tons of laughs, dramatic twists, with touching moments and heartbreaking moments. Simply unreal how good it was.

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This was amazing I didn't expect that all the events and the flashbacks to be related and as always there is a touch of humor but this episode contains a lot of it.

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"Who leaves a wedding early? It's so sad..."

I love this episode. Not for the crime itself, not because of the wedding, not for making me feel at least a little sympathy for Mary...
I love this episode because it feels like a "finally". Finally, John is recognized, appreciated and fully loved. The man is a piece of gold, a ray of sunshine and I completely ADORE HIM.

Besides, we need to face that all of Sherlock's feelings were pretty damn obvious here. I love how much he loves John and I ache for all the things he's willing himself to go through, just to assure John's happiness.

It's so clear... All the anxiety, the desperation, the recognition of a moment that is just LETHAL. I love how well Benedict portrayed each and every one of Sherlock's insecurities when it comes to the very point where he knows (even in denial) that he's about to, somehow, lose his best friend, his partner and the very one person he admits to love.

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This one takes the medal from me as best episode. Amazing and wholesome all around.

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A lot of people seem to dislike this for the fanservice but it's honestly my favorite! The Bloody Guardsman, the Mayfly Man, and Sherlock's speech make for really good TV. Little Archie was so adorable, Mrs. Hudson's quip, and Sherlock's "down girl" are only some of my favorite little tidbits from this episode. John Watson is a total badass, and Mary is honestly so adorable.

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WES GIBBINS!!! At least here he survived!
The structure of this episode was kinda weird but I loved it when it all connected.
I like that Mary is so accepting of Sherlock cause if that were me, it would be like nope.
My only issue with this episode is that John’s sister wasn’t in attendance so I wonder why.
And I wish we got to see more cases! This show needed like 8 60 minutes episodes per season.

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Best episode so far imo.

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so touching and so sad...

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Benedict can't play the violin at all and it's kinda funny seeing him try :joy: Otherwise great ep, worth the build-up!

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If Sherlock Holmes is the best man at your wedding, you know that, normally, it will not be

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This tv show is one of the best ever!

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