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Sex Education: Season 4

4x05 Episode 5

Ugh, feel so bad for Maeve at this point

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Honestly I don't think that he fell a sleep with Ruby is such a big thing it was only sleeping pfff. This season is all over the place

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The date sabotage was really stupid. I also really hope O gets shit because she totally used her identity in this woke ass school to get ahead. Fuck her.

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Okay, but in all seriousness: Otis is kind of a self-absorbed arsehole, right? Like, he obviously has his heart in the right place, but he just can’t help it somehow

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Uhhh I don’t feel Otis and Maeve together :rolling_eyes:

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We get our first openly ace character on the main supporting cast (and not a one-off side character like earlier), and this happens. ;-; Felt like a very manipulative move.

I hope Maeve is alright, her journey this season feels so intense and emotional, and I am rooting for her to get on top at the end of it. I am glad Aimee is such a supportive friend, and I am glad Otis told her eventually because it would've just gotten worse and worse if he didn't, but now he needs to make it up to her.

Meanwhile I am just reminding myself that these are still teenagers and they make all kinds of stupid decisions. The only one who needs to get her stuff together asap is the aunt.

Also Beau is giving me a weird vibe, I feel something is off with him.

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i’m not liking this scenario where a lot of characters happen to meet in the same place, it feels very soapy, especially since it’s all happening in this one small town?? first it was the ‘queer night’ and then it was this little indie cinema?? no way

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dunno what should i expect now, everything just so chaotic for everyone...

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Otis you are an arsehole

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maeve and otis have so little chemistry together

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Otis is an idiot. Couldn't he have waited after he fucked her? *facepalm

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I have the WORST feeling about the “Jackson’s dad thing”…
And this episode was a lot. Good and bad. But Gillian Anderson is amaaazing as always and I love that they even added that thing people so when they think THEY can cope without medicine but that others shouldn’t try to force themselves to cope without… it’s so spot on!

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146 storylines and maybe 2 good ones

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Cavendish is definitely starting to grow on me more and more now. I'm glad that Otis was honest with Maeve, and I am genuinely shipping Aimee and Isaac, which I wouldn't believed if I told myself last year :joy:

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