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Severance: Season 1

1x09 The We We Are

Jesus Christ! I can’t remember to feel so tense watching a tv show episode as I felt here. Absolutely perfect. Can’t wait for season 2!!!!

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What a finale. Enough pay off for some mysteries, leading questions for others! The wait for a second season is going to be absolutely brutal, but I loved every single second of this show. What an absolute banger for Apple. Truly great stuff.

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93 | That was too much. What an emotional roller coaster from the first until the last scene. The editing and camera movement were so perfectly captured the chaotic situation that happened in this episode. This last episode of the first season stands out as the best episode. The sequence at Ricken's lodge might be the best episode sequence this year so far and might be until the end of the year. Even though some plot twists were predictable, the way this series visualize and edited was phenomenal. Probably we all agree that we could not wait for the next season. What a first season to start a show.


Rating: 92.79


P1: 1.5
P2: 1.9
P3: 1.7
P4: 2.0

Director: Ben Stiller

Favorite Characters

1.8: Adam Scott as Mark
1.8: Jen Tullock as Devon
1.5: John Turturro as Irving
1.5: Britt Lower as Helly
1.3: Zach Cherry as Dylan
1.3: Patricia Arquette as Harmony Cobel

Written by Kornelius Harda Wicaksana

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props to my boy Dylan G for holding that position for what seemed like an eternity!

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HOLY COW. One of the most INTENSE AND EXCITING finales to one of the most MIND-BLOWING shows I've seen!!!

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OMG Season Finale? Why!!!!????!!!! Now I have to wait until next season to see what happens. The waiting is going to be excruciating!

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It was a bit frustrating that the team wasn't moving with a lot of urgency when they knew they had limited time, and the end wasn't really a "finale" in that instead of tying up loose ends it just leaves you with a giant cliffhanger. That being said, I am happy that there's another season and because of that, those choices make sense.

Dylan G is by far my favorite character

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Holy Shit!!! What more can you ask for from a TV show? seriously. This show FORCES you to keep your eyes glued to the screen, and every moment of investment is paid back with interest! As my boy Dylan would say, this show SLAPS!!!

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Genius episode, that was the most tensed 40 min in front of a movie/show I've been in years

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Motherfucker! That's a hell of a finale. Puts you at the edge of your seat and leaves you wanting more! So many questions that haven't been answered and leave viewers wondering what the show will look like next season. Dan Erickson and company created something extremely special here, god hopes they keep the series consistent.

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Thank god they announced a renewal yesterday. Living with that suspense until it was official would be sheer torture!!

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Shout by Mike Dent
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-04-10T00:54:26Z— updated 2022-04-15T20:19:08Z

When Mark reveals the photo showing him and his outie self, with his wife! Don't you dare say the hairs on the back of your neck didn't stand up! OMFG BEST EPISODE YET!!! Wow. Just wow. That ending.

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While severance has been a slick show from the beginning. Well shot. Well paced. Well acted. It's been kind of a slow drag to nowhere. Even the revelation of Petey while interesting didn't really take us anywhere. But episodes 8 and 9 really do successfully deliver on the tension that's been building all season finally unite the inside story and the outside story.

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Holy shit, what a season finale. Yes it has cliffhangers but it wasn't cheap or cheesy and the writing was insanely good.

Man I am thinking of getting severed just so I can skip to Season 2 next year. lol

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Nothing else has ever made me so concentrated on the screen. Every one of the 40 minutes is just brilliant.

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Holy shit what a finale. This show seems to have crept out of nowhere and yet it's without a doubt one of my favorite shows of last year. I can't wait to see where things go from here!!

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A whole lot of nothingburger from a show that has very little to say about indentured servitude, corporate slavery, grief, empathy etc.
The amateurish Mystery-Box writing reminded me more of the inept season 1 of Lost than the masterfully done season 1 of Westworld.
Also, Irving's character development (or lack thereof) was pathetic.

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Every episode of this season has been both entertaining and compelling, but this in particular is probably the best episode of any show that I’ve seen in the past 10 years. Wow. Loved every minute.

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It started very slowly and I didn’t even know where this will lead to. But in the end it was all worth it! Looking forward to season 2.

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THAT is a season finale. Everything you could’ve wanted with a giant burning status quo altering cliffhanger.

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Christ...this show is beyond phenomenal.

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Best 40 minutes of entertainment I've experienced in a while!

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Wow, that's a finale! Bravo! One of best shows I've seen in a long time.

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SHE STILL ALIVEEEEEE!!!! Now, wait much longer

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oh my god i am CLENCHED

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If Mr. Moustache kills Dylan, I'm gonna riot.

Edit: In this episode I felt butterflies in my stomach the entire run. I literally only felt this on two other shows, Hannibal and Westworld, and unholy fck it's GREAT feeling it again!

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Now THAT is what I call a great cliffhanger.

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11/10 for Ben Stiller and Dan Erickson for making the best season finale ever since Ron Moore's Battlestar Galactica 'Kobol' s last gleaming'.

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Incredibly good season finale. We finally get some answers and our character‘s learn who their Outies are. Amazingly well written show. Can‘t wait for Season 2.

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Hype is over 9000 for the season 2

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Great finale.

The first half of the series is a slow burn, I’d go so far as to say it was boring at some points. But the second half more than makes up for it.

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That "She is alive!" at the end is the new "Not Penny's boat" in terms of a top quality climax ending.

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I immediately went to the Apple TV screen frantically searching for a hidden 10th episode. This show slaps.

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Jfc this episode is a masterpiece. Amazing stuff. Can't wait for season 2.

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That was so fucking stupid. Cobel goes from telling Mark to quit & supporting him to running to the company to stop it all. Horrible way it’s written.

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A masterpiece of episode writing, editing and construction. The only issue is that all 4 of them will have to be killed now for the story to make any sense.

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An amazing crescendo for the story. The entire episode was tense as fuck. Although the Irving side of things is definitely lacking. The mystery of why his outie is marking down other employees on a map is intriguing, but chasing after Burt is... meh.

The only thing that doesn't make sense is how Dylan was able to hold that position for that long, lol. And his glasses sliding down his face that far gave me a sort of anxiety.

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Definitely requesting a waffle party at work on Monday

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Okay, that was intense, this is kind of a ted lasso level of a show.
Apple is killing it to be honest. Investing in the right stuff.

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props to the editor who sustained the action and edge-of-your-seat feeling through the entire episode

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Omg this show is INTENSE but soooooooo good!!!! Season two, come on!!

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Shout by emily

holy sh*t!!!!! talk about the cliffhanger of all cliffhangers..... HOW LONG DO WE HAVE TO WAIT AHHH

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Shout by _Jelly_

Great episode! But: why does Miltshick need so unrealistically long to cut the belt made of cloth that holds the security office doors. Come on

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I wonder what Helen would have done if her two memories merged before she got on stage.

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i swear if the first episode of the second season does not start right where this one ended and they do some 2 months later shit

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Now that's a cliffhanger.

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i'm glad i waited to watch this because idt i could cope with this cliffhanger for multiple years of waiting

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holy shit what a masterpiece

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Oh wow, my only critique is that the second season is taking so long and probably longer because of the writers’ strike :(
I was annoyed that they didn’t have a sense of urgency, the deal was to tell someone they could trust and if they didn’t have anyone close, they could write down a note like “something shady is going on, quit!” Also it hadn’t clicked for me but I thought the overtime was supposed to unite/wake their both selves, not only wake their innies, but I guess that would be extremely hard.
And i was like of course helly is at a cocktail, she seems the kind of girlie whose outie choose to be at lumon because of the status/money, but I wasn’t expecting that!

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This was incredible!!! What an amazing episode

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By neutral and analytical standards this episode might not be as perfect as it feels but holy fucking fuck this had me literally on the edge of my seat chewing my nails from start to finish.
I have never watched anything so thoroughly suspenseful in my life and I hate them for all the loose ends and cliffhangers!

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Great suspense, many developing dramas and crisis.
But Mrs. Cobel is such an annoying and often absurd character. She's just too much and that ruins an experience for me that otherwise could be epic.

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the story is great, final you know who really Helly is, amd the secret of Mark's wife. all lead to a bigger mystery.
but still, there's no clue what's really the job is.
there are lots redundance scenes in this episode, lots scenes are on the road, walking or driving, just not necessarily needed, especially at the ending, just reveal it, we all know about it.

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I knew we were getting to the end of the episode and there was still so much to see and it all skidded yo a stop and I literally shouted “Jesus Christ!” Into my empty living room.
Season 2 please now!
I think the whole dang show was so masterfully done, and it astounds me every time I see Ben Stiller’s name attached to it. Hot damn!

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Sorry House of Dragon, this is the finale of the year.

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I watched it panting it was perfect

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Insane finale. Season 2 can’t come any sooner!

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i was thinking about this ending all day. this first season was so good, season 2 is gonna be insane.

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I've never desired more a second season for another TV show such Severance.

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Omg what a enddd, damnnnnn i want season 2 right now, this is so epic

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Great show! The way they made it weird was excellent.
Though I didn't like the ending so much. For some reason they decided to end like any other regular film or show. That buildup was unnecessary and not so much in the spirit of that mind boggling weirdness

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This was incredible in many senses. So f intense! Can't wait for more, it was insane!

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for me until the ep7 it was so tedious...

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A fantastic finally the ends in a way that will make you demand a season 2

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Shout by Reiko LJ

A whole episode of tension. Built and held perfectly. What a moment to end it on. Fantastic. Have really enjoyed this unique ride

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Yeah, Imma need a continuation like preferably yesterday

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What a wild ride. God damn what a great show. Can’t wait for season 2!

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One of the best tv shows i have ever seen and for sure oneof the best episodes ever made.Full of tense,brilliantly written and i want to watch it again and again.Can't wait for season 2 this tv show is a masterpiece 10/10

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In case you are still wondering, yes, you just wasted almost 9 hours of your life...

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Dylan is a G for holding it that long. “Fuck you Mr. Milcheck!!!”

How can an Outtie know how to drive?

Damn, this show has the worst cliffhangers ever in the best way possible. Give us the full season already and the next season too man damn.

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