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Secret Invasion: Season 1

1x06 Home

Well that was absolutely terrible. Highly amusing how they even managed to do the old "hero fights villain with same powers but EVIL" trope. Shame a bunch of really good actors allowed themselves to be wasted on this.

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This is so damn bad.

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promised everything delivered nothing :confused:

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This has to be one of the worst last episodes of any TV Series. It feels like a trailer for a new show and not a final episode.
The CG during the fight between super skrulls looks fan-made

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While the ending made me smile at points, and in the end, and while it was cool watching that battle and seeing the powers from heroes being used, I still feel slightly... Empty? Like we sacrificed a lot in this show to get to so little resolution. We don't even know how long Rhody was a skrull, just that apparently he's having trouble walking again like after Civil War. So was fake Rhody mourning Tony when he died or not??? Add in another unlikable president to the mix. I dunno... It wasnt terrible, I mean shit some of the last few marvel shows really showed how low it can go, but I guess I just expected a lot more here.

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So weak, so stupid... so nothing.
This has to be the worst MCU.. thing... ever and this final episode is just the worst.
The plot was stupid, the characters dumb and the acting atrocious.

And the decision regarding G'iah, WTF... I HATE IT!

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Seriously, this is the dumbest thing I've ever watched, there is no explanation for this script.

So you tell me that the incredible and super smart Nick Fury made a promise to an entire alien species that he'll provide home for them on Earth, but years have passed and he did NOTHING (as he said, because “it’s hard to change the minds of 8 billion people”), causing some of the skrulls to rebel against humanity and, at the end, the deaths of many important people around the world and the president of the United States declaring war against all aliens.

And to make it all WAY WORSE, he LEAVES Earth after all this shitshow?? LMAO WHAT THE HELL WAS THISSSS

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I dunno how I feel about the developments from the finale….

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I guess G’iah is the strongest marvel character in the universe now…

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Incredibly disappointing finale after the season started out very promising. The ending lacks depth and offers nothing to be excited about moving forwards.

I can't believe how drastic the MCU has dropped since Endgame.

Kill the TV shows Feige, stick to films and two a year max

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Geez what a let down...
Practically we have nothing.
What a waste this was.

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Feels like Disney+ started great with Loki and gone downhill from there, and now making Netflix brainless crap.
At least we got Bold on Bold action out of this.

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One of the most low key MCU shows retcons the entire MCU, from 1995 forward. Loved this show, loved the old and new characters, very excited to see how this plays out in the next part of the MCU!

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The show is well acted and intriguing but doesn’t leave you with much.

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Saying that watching this was like watching paint dry is insulting to paint. It was like watching Samuel L Jackson watching paint dry or sleepwalking through a mediocre script.

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The harvest shit is so ridiculously funny . I was like am I high or something?:type_4:.

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I didn't like Gravik in any of the prior episodes, but man did Ben-Adir knock it out of the park in his scene with L. Jackson. It's a shame he didn't get more chances to show this.

The finale was the only episode of the show I really liked. It's time to dial back the Marvel content and focus on quality not quantity. I'm happy Bob Iger is open and honest about this.

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Very cool to see G'iah so powerful and fighting Gravik. The final scene between Fury and his wife was also quite heartfelt and kinda beautiful. Overall, I thought the series was mediocre but I did enjoy this finale.

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So they made Emilia Clarke super powerful again. Which means they'll probably kill her off the most stupid way ever. Yeah I still feel that GoT finale hate

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I commented after I "hope this doesn't dovetail in the end stretch like most MCU shows", and sigh. Still only Loki and Ms. Marvel that have solid-or-above MCU show finales so far.

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I barely could imagine something worse.

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Well I enjoyed the
Heck out of that,
was it perfect no,
should this have come
out after "The Marvels"
to make way more sense
With that being said
it was aggressively
entertaining and I enjoyed
this so much more than
Loki S1,S2.
I would have liked
more of Gravik,and
have him onscreen with
Fury. G'iah becoming the
most powerful being in
okay cool as long as this
sets up
"The British Avengers"
with her leading the
Charge and Sonya as
a Fury type character
for that team.
all in all for better or
for worse this show is
now my 4th favourite
D+ show.
(Subject to change).

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Of course, it's G'iah who confronts Gravik... and of course, Rhodey's discovered and the attack can be prevented. And all the impersonated characters are alive and well. But exactly when they were exchanged, which is the interesting part, at least when it comes to Rhodey, isn't mentionned. PotUS displays his stupidity in declaring all aliens enemies.

Instead we get another couple of Fury-Varra scenes which I still don't care about... and Fury returns to his space station because the Kree apparently are ready to talk. So what?

It's pretty telling that the final 3 episodes all didn't reach the 40 minutes mark... the whole meagre plot could have been told in 4 episodes. At least, completist-me had to spend less time to actually finish that show.

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Shout by noelct
BlockedParent2023-08-11T13:31:56Z— updated 2023-08-13T15:38:12Z

There were some nice character moments in the last two episodes, and I like the visuals of the rival Super Skrulls, but this remained an uninvolving and surprisingly unthrilling thriller series. Given how long it took to come out, it felt surprisingly rushed and rough. I'd really like to know what things were like behind the scenes.

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Shout by JasperKazai

This show turned out to be a bland, boring, and rather incomprehensible mess. I had been looking forward to seeing more Samuel L. Jackson before the show had started, but it ended up being nothing but disappointing. Really felt like they forced out something so that they could get Jackson in a TV show before whatever contract he's under expires.
Gravik's speech to Fury was one of the only decent moments of the whole show. But even that rang hollow, because his character was flimsy at best. Not to mention that it turned out to not even be Fury, so the moment was wasted.

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I didn't care for the series as a whole, but I really liked the finale. Will be interesting to see what they do with some of the characters and potential plot lines in the future. Obviously, the show was not well received, so I wouldn't be surprised if they just try to not do much with them, but some pretty important developments happened in the last episode and it would probably be awkward to try to ignore them.

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damn marvel really lost it

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Good thing they don’t have Superman in the MCU.

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This is such bad garbage, even the garbage truck wouldn't pick it up on the side of the road. Bring in the HAZMAT team, and get rid of it as this shit is nuclear waste

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not great, not terrible.

BUT they massacred my boys Talos, Fury and Maria just to bring us some Emilia Clark OP Skrull into the MCU.

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Not bad. But could have been better.

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Really disappointed by the finale .

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Shout by Darth

(Nvm lol I find out why later in the episode) how did fury set up the car at the gate without being caught if there’s an obvious corner right there

Lol is it when we hear Fury cough on his way to the broken door but his body doesn’t move, but when he goes insides and sees gravik his entire body convulses when he coughs

THEY CAN FLY????? WHERE WERE THESE FUCKING SUPERMAN/WONDER-MAN POWERS AT BEFORE???? This is like she hulks finale where everyone is using crazy abilities that they could’ve used the entire season that also would’ve saved a main characters life

THEY FUCKING SHOT DON MF CHEADLE, nvm lol and Irsh Jack Frost is alive

The Queen of England and the Queen of the 7 kingdoms joining forces

Why did they waste a cool ass storyline in 10 seconds??? Why not focus season 2 on the aftermath of the president declaring international war on all alien life forms instead of a few videos lol

It’s funny seeing Samuel L Jackson pretend to love looking at his alien wife/knowing they just told him to look at her like that

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This show has had its moments and a lot happens MCU wise but it just felt hollow, particularly this episode. We got some big reveals which haven't been given any clarity in how they canonically make sense, as well as whether it was necessary to make these kinds of world events on Disney+ instead of a theatrical cut with closer ties to the Secret Invasion instead of redundant interpersonal drama thrown in to fill time. I've still been pretty entertained the whole way through the show, but some decisions have left me feeling indifferent.

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What can I say? I'm a sucker for a love story.... And, towards the end Varra maintaining the face of Priscilla , as beautiful as it is, seemed a bit too close to a fetish. Something to pull out on date night, but -- anyway.

"Beloved," is where I am glad they left it.

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lmao wtf is this :sob:

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I just don't know how to feel about this. Sure the fight at the end was amusing at times but Gravik's end felt incredible anticlimactic and the whole thing just felt flat. I just don't think a big digital fight scene is what I wanted. I liked this show for feeling different from the other MCU shows earlier in the season but here they do the classic thing of shoehorning in a big fight at the end. The whole plan Fury and G'iah had for that fight also just felt a bit dumb. Fury's arc also falls flat since it wasn't actually him having all of those good character moments with Gravik. He does get some nice resolution with Priscilla though so that was nice at least. This also left us with more questions 100% as a tactic to get us to keep coming back for future projects which is annoying. Still some decent moments and I don't think this was awful but it certainly wasn't very good and ends the show on a bit of a whimper.

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Definetly in the weak side of Marvel. Still, it was a bit better than She-Hulk or Ms Marvel, but not by much. The adaptation wasn't even close to what could we had if it was adapted into several movies. The whole plot felt pretty weak. The fight scene was a bit cool ngl, but at some points the CGI was terrible (again, still decent for a series). I liked the character of Olivia Colman; and that is pretty much it. We didn't get much info on what Fury has been doing at SABRE (i'm guessing maybe in Cap Marvel 2) or when Rhodey was replaced. For me is barely a 5, and i'm being generous.

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Very disappointed with this final episode. Should have been much better. :confused:

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