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Secret Invasion 2023

Definitely overhyped and now, 6 episodes in, turned out to be underwhelming by a lot.

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Can't believe Samuel L. Jackson gone from playing movies like Pulp Fiction, Coach Carter to Marvel factory producing waste

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3 episodes (or half-way through) season 1. I have no idea why this show even exists.

Maybe Samuel L. Jackson wanted a side hustle to make some retirement money? I can see that aunt Robin wanted equal pay for appearing in this shit show. They killed off her character, straight off the bat. :rofl:

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V... visitors, rebooted. What a shit of show.

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Anything with Nick Fury I thought would be good and action packed with super hero action. This was slow and fizzled to halt, barely made it to the end of the show.

Marvel needs to do better, they have been having more misses then hits.

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What an amazing serie this was!! By far the best Marvel serie ever. Spy, action, thriller and superheroes what do you want more?! The acting was great, but Kingsley Ben-Adir and Olivia Colman where outstanding!

The theme music is amazing, it’s so powerful (music in this post)

I am a big marvel fan

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Was not expecting to much. Was delivered with an ok plot and small plottwist final episode. Nothing to collect but was also not a to heavy waste of my earth lifetime.

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One of the more enjoyable recent MCU TV series. It's good to see Nick Fury being front and centre. Everyone is correct to say that Olivia Colman stole every scene she appeared in.

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Shout by Fang Plays
BlockedParent2023-07-27T10:13:56Z— updated 2023-08-01T12:27:54Z

Very bad ending. Didn't resolve anything except for the villain dying.

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This was a pretty uneven series. It had a few good moments- I liked what they (and Emilia Clarke) did with the G’ian character. Olivia Coleman always elevates her character to the heights a script allows, and this one didn’t give her a lot of room. I was disappointed that one of my favourite characters in the Marvel Universe was killed off, for no apparent benefit to the storyline, and another to move the plot along (I suppose that’s justified). I guess I would say I wasn’t bowled over by this series, so, I give this series a low 7 (okay) out of 10. [Marvel Action Drama?]

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Too much hype. The show is just not resonating with me. But I watch it just to see olivia

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Piece of shit. Bloody propaganda about russian superiority.

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This shit is so trash that even they're aware they couldn't go past 6 episodes themselves.

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the only thing this show has going for it, is the fact that it's free of the usual goofy MCU humour. unfortunately, it's also free of a decent pace, dear god, this show is boring

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It takes hard work and dedication to make Samuel L. Jackson boring but they managed it. This show is poorly written garbage. There’s no reason at all for it to exist.

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The only character that is worth a damn is Sonya Falsworth. Everything else is shit.

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Shout by trakki
BlockedParent2023-07-07T12:31:49Z— updated 2023-07-21T10:10:30Z

Only three episodes in but it is clear that this is yet another time waster. Pretty much nothing of worth happens in each show. Any surprises the show tries to feed the viewer can be seen coming a mile away. While the interactions between Fury and Talos is enjoyable and slightly reminiscent of buddy cop movies, it does not make up for the lackluster writing of the plot in the rest of the show.

edit: After watching episode 4 I am lowering the score by 1, from 5 to 4.
edit2: After watching episode 5 I add that Sonya is the only damn character who seems to be competent at her job. Still lowering the score by 1, from 4 to 3.

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Shout by Dulneth Perera
BlockedParent2023-06-21T09:16:06Z— updated 2023-07-30T13:27:51Z

Great first episode hopefully they keep this up in the coming episodes, we dont want another half baked Disney+ marvel show

Spoke to soon, this shit is ass

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What a weird, weird show. Weird editing, weird characters, weird story decisions, weird EVERYTHING. And not in a good way. Started off promising, then quickly became yet another "shoulda-been-a-movie" Marvel show. But at least the other Marvel shows were fun, for the most part. This was not it. Tho I'll take Olivia Colman in anything any day of the week.

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absolute garbage. my respect for Nick Fury plummeted. The writing left me with no empathy for the Skrulls. I lost my faves for this.

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Pretty mediocre Marvel churn, couple that with the poor timing in choice of "victim" country, and you've got a recipe for failure.

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Superb acting by a great cast (except for Kingsley Ben-Adir / Gravik who ghas the expression and deepness of a door post).
But the story line is all over the place and is basically oldschool series V / Visitors in a marvel setting.
Also really dislike what they did to Maria / Cobie Smulders, there was more possible with her character. I guess she was too white to get a place in whatever may comes next.
Episode 1 : 6 out of 10 stars, mostly because of hoping it's a setup to... well... more.
Episode 2 : 4 out of 10... maybe 3 even. Nope. Not much more really coming.
Episode 3: 5 out of 10 ? more of the same. The cast also seems to be struggling what direction the writers and director want them to go.

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Clearly Marvel has lost its way with these Disney Plus series. Despite the critical acclaim of some, none were so great and deserving of so much praise, quite the contrary, some seemed to me to be a waste of time and resources. And important mistakes were made, like the death of Marial Hill in such a small and insignificant show, that's why the note I give to Secret Invasion at that moment. ABC got a lot more right on Agents of SHIELD.

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This show felt more like, "This is a story we need to tell to be able to tell these next few stories", and less like "This is a story you really want to see." I understand the need to bridge stories, but this could've been executed a number of better ways, even just in the form of one of those "special presentations" would've worked better. This dragged on, then ran completely out of steam in the last few episodes. It felt under-budgeted, the cast came across very tired looking, and overall what could've been an awesome show really came out looking like a steaming pile of shit.

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I think this show was quite disappointing in how it ended even compared to some of the other Disney+ Marvel Studios shows. There seemed to be little resolution and impact on what happened in comparison to the greater MCU. While there some fun and interesting parts, I ultimately felt like this show didn't really fulfill anything in me.

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Hit and miss for me, except for Olivia Colman. Everything she does in this is awesome. She's like a polite badass.

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looking forward to this ..the trailer looks nice.

now i cant wait.hopefully i dont die before it released:kissing_heart:

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Finally something as bad as Thor: Love and Thunder from Marvels. It gets bad as it can get till the 6th episode, I literally porcastinated for completing the season. What a stupid script to go with. Also, they dared to spoil the The Legend Nick Fury character. Uff!

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I’m again astonished to see the world suddenly realizing that the MCU shows suck, especially after putting up with way more atrocious products in the last couple of years.

"Secret Invasion" was conceptualized as Marvel's endeavor to reinterpret sci-fi classics such as "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." Regrettably, its execution translated into a rather pedestrian espionage thriller. Despite the narrative having more plot holes and inconsistencies than a block of Swiss cheese, I must acknowledge its capacity to sustain engagement. Although Samuel Jackson's character is mostly used like puppet to spew out dialogues that channel echoes of his career's highlights, Olivia Colman manages to steal the show despite her marginal role. It was also interesting to see Marvel to address pertinent real-world themes, notably humanity's tendency to annihilate each others and point the finger at minorities.
The second episode hits a bit of a snooze button in terms of pacing and direction, but the shorter runtime of the later episodes at least managed to keep things enjoyable. Let’s just forget about that epic bummer of an ending.

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Sure, it's entertaining, but I can't shake the feeling that it could've been much more than this. It's fun to see Fury and Talos again, but the whole invasion feels a bit weak and empty. I also think we see too little of the Super Skrulls. Why don't they make shows like this 10 episodes and flush out the story way more?! I don't get it... Stories like this shouldn't be rushed.

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I fail to find a purpose behind this show, 6 episodes of nothing, for what ? to see Emilia Clarke skinny and awful acting ? we knew that. What was the purpose ? what happened ? why ?
The only good thing was the performance of Olivia Colman

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This was just bad, and Marvel should feel bad.

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In an effort to produce movies and television shows which only broadly and loosely tie into each other - so as not to corner the writers of either - and by refusing to make any sort of actual commitment post Endgame, Marvel has killed the Marvel Universe, and more thoroughly than any of it's characters have.

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Disney series about an invasion

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Monotonous, inconsequential, boring. Not what the MCU needed right now to raise interest after a whole completely forgettable phase.

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I usually refrain from giving harsh reviews.
But this was utter garbage.

Story full of holes. Bad cast. Horrible pacing. Boring. Not even close to MCU standards.
They are trying to milk the cow with minimal effort.

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I am not sure about killing Maria Hill, she's been here so long but other than that pretty good first episode.

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Shame Hollywoke found a way to bring race into it.

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Could have and should have been a lot better especially with the stacked cast.

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Biggest disappointment I had personally received from marvel. It looked so good and the cast was so perfect. Till I watched it. Its boring and long and leaves you with more questions then answers. The acting looks semi bothered and the cgi and dialogue is just very very very bad.

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Considering the potential and the great cast, this result is a travesty.
Whoever is responsible for the plot should be banned from contributing as a writer ever again.

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Sensational show
had a great time with it.
This should have been
"Captain America 4"
also this show should
have come out after
"The Marvels".
Everyone put in
an outstanding performance
and I loved how it had
Real stakes for anyone
getting ganked.
G'iah is now the most
Powerful being in
Now she's powered up
With everyone's
who took part in Avengers: Endgame's Battle of Earth. This includes Carol Danvers' Captain Marvel, the Mad Titan Thanos, Steve Rogers' Captain America, Guardians of the Galaxy members Mantis, Groot, and Drax, as well as the Hulk, the Abomination, T'Challa's Black Panther, and Thor, among many others..G'iah should
definitely lead
"The British Avengers".
Even with all the
re-shoots this show
had to do because a
certain country invaded
another country in real
life and the writers
to The Marvels not
having all the final script
same story again with
WandaVision and
Doctor Strange in the
Even with all these problems
I still enjoyed it very much
so and would put this
right now as my number 4
favourite D+ show,
and that's no Secret.

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Fury played himself, Emilia was a bit less Daenerys, but kudos to Queen Olivia, she couldn't have been a better Bond! But the ending of the story is a bit disappointing...

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This should have been huge, but it's a woeful non-event that's only vaguely worth bothering with because Olivia Coleman is just so wonderful.

The storyline worked far better in the comics medium with all the crossover potential. It doesn't work as a series like this.

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Definitely can be skipped - maybe Marvel/Disney should concentrate on doing one good series and/or movie, but not turn every idea anyone has into its own series. This show doesn't know what it really wants: social criticism (integration of refugees and their eventual dissatisfaction), alien invasion - or character treatise on Fury. It fails in all respects.

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I thought this was decent at best, but then the finale happened and out of all the Marvel shows, this had the worst finale by far. So rushed, unsatisfying, and unfinished.

It's funny that people thought this was going to be Marvel’s Andor.

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First episode is better and much more exciting than all other episodes in total.

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A disappointing mess with a convoluted plot, weak characters, and lackluster action. Wasted potential and a profound sense of disappointment. Avoid.

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very boring have no interest in watching any more shows

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[Disney+] Kevin Feige's strategy of constantly exhausting the viewer with movies and series has proven to be the worst business decision in recent times. This is an example of that collapse, an attempt to do something different in Marvel that in the end never ends up surprising because it is too similar to other series. And above all because it ends up being boring, not even saved by good supporting actors and actresses whose characters are weak. There are changes at Marvel that must go deeper than changing the tone of their movies and series.

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This ain't Marvel's Andor.
This is trash.

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The final episode was good enough, the beginning not so much...

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Okay. So - on the one hand this is not the best show Marvel has put out. It is kind of a mess and it seems like they may have left a bunch of information on the cutting room floor. On the other hand - I do not believe this show deserves all the bad press, and reviews it is getting - because it is not THAT bad either. How's that for wishy-washy.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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So basically now we have like this super avenger?

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Every one has their opinion and as far as Mach 9 goes I don’t agree.
I love the show and Samuel L. Jackson is so freaking cool he could make shit shine, but the show is very good in my opinion.

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