And I thought The Flash was the worst one for fucking up the timeline! This is really messy!

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Now, that's the kind of trippy I like! A true Multiverse of Madness. Getting hyped for the season finale!

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Oh my goodness this has gotten crazy and confusing. I hope it’ll make sense in the end with all the chaos that’s happening currently. Nadia is staying strangely calm in the center of all this.

But also… basically that means nobody else is entirely real, as the entire universe seems to evolve around her own reality. Hm.

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Wow I love this show "sweet birthday baby!!!". Fantastic throwback. I absolutely love how mirrors are so symbolic in this show.

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Does Nadia have zero common sense this season? So reckless. Where is this story going? What’s the point?

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Just when I started to think I had the rules figured out…

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Shout by Deleted

Just when you think you know where this one is headed the timeline just kind of shifts and the characters who are aware just kind of go with it. Getting a little frustrating even if there is still a lot to like there.

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