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Russian Doll: Season 1

1x08 Ariadne

I honestly wasn't sure how they would pull it off but what an ending. It's not super flashy, but it fits the narrative, it fits the development amazingly, and you were rooting for the two mains the whole time.

Basically: don't shut out the people that care about you and open yourself up to connecting. The bonds you form will sometimes hurt but other times they could end up being worth more than any gold.

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Wasn't expecting this show to pull off a satisfying ending in the space of an episode but it did it.
Loved the reveal of that final loop and how they both realised what they needed to do. Also glad that they didn't take this in a romantic direction/conclusion. Yes the slept together once but it was just sex.

The latter section of the episode, with Alan and Nadia both resisting the help of the other. It reminds me of those intense friendships where there might be times when one pushes the other away. But they persist coz even though there is a bump now, you both know you're better with the other person in your life. If anything that's the message we should take away from this. If someone truly gives a shit, let them in. Coz it's rarer than you think...

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Really enjoyable bingewatch. It feels satisfying even though little is explained, but it's clear in the end the show is about "why", and not "how" and it takes that point across very nicely.
I'm actually intrigued by the Horse character. He gave away sinister vibes in the last two episodes. I half expected it that it will be revealed he killed Nadia that night when she thought she froze to death.

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Decent finale. Overall an interesting take on the Groundhog day genre. The show was more about the personality of the actress playing Nadia than it's own story or plot. That diminishes it some unless you're a big fan of the actress in which case it might make it better.

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The pregnant pause between Nadia and Maxine when Maxine throws her drink over Nadia is so funny - just what friends are for

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What a satisfying ending to a great season. I love how Nadia and Alan take care of each other and solve their problem, although I‘m a little bit sad that the other person can‘t remember what they‘ve been through together (at least in that universe).

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I liked the series but didn't love it. Fun episodes but the story didn’t quite resolve itself enough for me and I wanted to know more at the end.

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Of course, after they made the show get so trippy in the last episode, the only easy option left for an ending was a WTF one, an ending with no explanation given (not even "between the lines"), leaving behind a trail of loose ends, questions unanswered and frustration for the time wasted watching this show.
Seems reasonable that a season that had such a poor start would end in a similar note. At least there's consistency about it (and I did get to know what happened to Oatmeal).

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What a great finish to a great series. I hope it stops there. No need for season 2. Enjoyed every bit of this show except episode 1.

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my left nipple twitches for more.

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fucking awesome take on parallel universe paradox

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