Amanda's look made me do a spittake. It was that iconic. I know that aesthetically she's rough around the edges, but I love Amanda a lot, she seems like such a chill person.

Sapphira is so silly for that Dr. Evil look. I love her, too.

Q got lucky this episode because she did not win that lip sync, but I think it would've been a waste to send her home so early.

Plane Jane's antics are wearing on me at this point. Like the way she seems so self-indulgent in making her little remarks is just blech.

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Q is definitely a better, overall queen… but this was one of the episodes where I feel like the lip syncs are pointless… because Q was NOT impressive.

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Not Plane eating this girls for breakfast :laughing: Look, joke aside, she always make valid points when she said things that may come across as mean, it's not a lie that Q was over dramatic for nothing neither that Amanda's drag wasn't at the same level from the rest, you may learn a lot from being on RPDR but you gotta have a certain level of drag before enter the competition, I'm really happy for the winning team, all of them did great :heart:

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this episode was so good, this season is great. but i don't think that we had a satisfying end for the amanda tori meating storyline. It would be more satisfying if production made her lipsync and lose to plane jane (the alyssa-coco treatment) or if this episode was fair and she actually eliminated Q, a frontrunner.

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The surprise of the night and the gaggery of it all!

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This season is just not giving, cut the filler please. I mean this episode is a start, but I can already tell top three and just move on with it.

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