That runway FLEW by. I had no time to take in any of those looks. Also…

“This is your last chance to impress me and save yourself from eliminationnnnnnn.”

HOW CAN THEY CUT THAT? I know it’s such a simple thing, but it’s another staple fallen by the wayside. They need to revert back to the old format next season. This is ridiculous.

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I had to check I wasn't accidentally watching the episode at 2x speed.

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Why even bring out The Old Gays if you're not going to do anything with them? And sorry, but Jax , honey, what were you wearing?!

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Ok, this episode felt like 8 minutes, I thought I was seeing all herstory right before my eyes. The challenge was even cute and well edited, but everything else was so rushed, lol. This could have easily been one hour yes, in this case I agree.
In the other hand the editing was so predictable, that queen up until that moment had zero screen time and suddenly she had 15 seconds more. Sorry to say she'll probably be super forgotten by tonight.

How did Jax put that thing together thinking it was a good something? That's some Kennedy burned chicken level.

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It pisses me off when they critique a performance without cutting back to it. I have no idea who any of these people are, they look so different on the runways. Just show what you’re talking about. It’s not that hard

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