In my flatmate's words "you never happy".
I'm sorry but this episode shows the problems with the script; just get rid of two bitches that were suppose to be filler but they are being there for an incredible amount of episodes: Sort of finally, but also poorly convey. I guess next time you want to get rid of 3 or 4 episodes where no one goes home.
I'm not that bitter about it, I just think it was predictable and makes me feel bad for some queens like Jeorgeus that could smell this from miles away, and reinforce the "filler queen" stereotype more than ever.
What I really mean is that the script here is too visible and when it is it takes you out of the fantasy and you don't believe it anymore.

But it's just a show and it's ok.

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This season has birthed the "death" of the lip sync as we know it: on this rollercoaster ride of double shantays and iridescent chocolate bars of redemption, the eliminations have to be super produced so that the right amount of queens remain for the finale.

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Because of too many saves this season we got a bit bitter and cranky. So finally a double elimination helps with breaking the frustration, but at the same time becomes predictable. Do you understand what I mean?


The filler queens are finally going home.

Glad the tops are the tops. Lady Camden is such a star with the best look of the night. Bravo! Lady Camden for the winner!

Top 4 won’t include Bosco though. Let’s see. She just got her story this episode and fulfilled.

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