I hoped Ra'Jah would redeem herself, she didn't. And it is shocking how mean they all were to Scarlet. I mean, surely, she was cocky, but never harmed anyone or said anything behind their back, or stirred things up! Also sad how I think Brooke Lynn was the one to speak positively about Yvie, because it felt like no one else would?
This was the shadiest cast of all, I think. Because these were not spur of the moment feuds that resulted in loud, dramatic bursts, but they were really hurtful towards one another and carried this hurt all the way back home. I don't think these girls will be friends or get to share careers in the way other drag race girls are known to do.

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I wanted more Shuga here because the wigate drama was behind us right now... still rajah trew the wig to the floor I just can't xD
Not the best reunion at all I enjoyed seeing my fav queens again (Nina, Scarlet, Shuga, Yvie especially)

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i can't stand ru out of drag so the reunions have been a struggle, but i like this cast, even if i don't like this season

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So catty!!! Rajah throwing the purple wig on the floor was soooo petty. This group of queens are spicy as hell. I agree with another commenter that they are some of the shadiest groups of all eleven seasons. I'm deadheated between Yvie and Silky to win. Yvie because I think she's so beautifully weird, and Silky, because I want to see a big girl win for once.

This season was entertaining, but the infighting was... catty. Just so catty. And transparent in almost every case.

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Vanjie's mug looks sooo stunning now

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That only time when Vanjie had a different look.

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