i don't know why this drama and the good snatch game performances still haven't improved the season for me. heidi honestly won't be missed. at this point it really is jimbo's drag race. she deserves it, she's amazing, but it sucks because we're pretending there's competition when everyone knows who's going to win. yes, there is a chance that jimbo ends up in the bottom and someone brave eliminates her and that would be a GAG to go down in history. but i don't think it will happen. the final four is jimbo, kandy and alexis. the fourth person could be jaymes or jessica, but they're not winning the season. not even kandy or alexis... jimbo is running alone.

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Heidi had wanted to go out for a long time.

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Kahanna, worry about yourself and maybe don’t suck at Snatch Game. At the end of the day, it’s a competition for 200k and Heidi was only doin’ her damn thing. The narcissism is real, honey. Not a fan. You should’ve gone home.

Kandy, I see right through you. You said what you said and you’re just crying about being called out on it. Another one-note queen who’s pissy after falling short one too many times. Consistently saved for the sheer obnoxious “entertainment” you bring to reality TV.

I’m basically annoyed with both of them for ganging up on Heidi, whom I adore and was rooting for. Now I’m cheering on Jimbo all the way. That Snatch Game of hers had me in absolute stitches. If only she channeled her Shirley Temple moves into her lip syncs.

Also, did anyone else notice how watery Heidi’s eyes were when she was talking to Ru about her Snatch Game? So sad.

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I think Heidi was very impulsive and might regret this decision with time. I think her mind was not at the right place and let Kandy confrontation get to her.

All Stars should happen 2 years so we can get GREAT cast, and not having once again a season with filler queens and just one or two queens standing out (ASBendela, ASJinkx, this one is all about ASJimbo).

This is why All Stars 2 stays as the best one yet.

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so she did worry about heidi

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