Gia needs to stop with that shady bsns, gawd. Lol @ Farrah going home after getting false hope from Valentina.

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The drama made the episode move too slowly for me. I remember I used to like Gia, but now, I do not at all. I also thought she sucked at her challenge, far worse than Farrah, whom she keeps attacking. And it was ridiculous of her to try and pass a message of self-acceptance on stage when you are nothing but a bitter bully off of it.
My favorite stage performance was Naomi's; now for the runway: MANILA! No further comment necessary.
Now, is it possible to love someone's every facial expression? Because I love Latrice's every tiny little one.

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Boring challenge but some great drama, henny! I am here for Valentina's redemption arc. I'm waiting for Manilla to break out of "safe" and kill a challenge.

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Thanks Valentina for sending home that annoying Farrah Moan! Manila's runway gets me life!

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this season is not being as great as the past two all stars. i don't know if that's the producers or the contestants fault. or both. i just wish manila shines more cause i love her drag so much. latrice deserves more attention too. and trinity and monet, who deserves the spotlight, are getting it, good. monique shouldn't be in that bottom, wth. i hope gia leaves soon so the competition can go on another directions.

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I think valentina did good here and also naomi, but the latter was robbed she should have been top
i was so scared for manila because she can do better BUT THAT RUNWAY LOOK SLAY MAMA SLAY.
Valentina's lypsinc kind of meh moving only her arms? but won anyway. yeah Farrah was really bad so she deserved to go.

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best episode in a long ass time

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