I am shocked at how political the Inspector Gadget was.... Kudos! This was some time after it came to light just how much our drone war was killing innocent People... How weddings and funerals were mistakenly targeted, and any male over the age of twelve carrying a gun (which they all do) was automatically classified as an enemy combatant unless proven otherwise after the fact. Extra-judicial killings are wrong, even if you have a team of attorneys telling everyone it's, "legal," I'm surprised the guys were aware of these facts and even more surprised they'd comment on it! This was also after some incidents where drone operators resigned out of remorse for what they were being made to do (hashtag #double-tap).

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[6.7/10] I don’t know what it says about me, but the sketch I laughed at the most was the “Baby Alive” one where the young girl is trying to blurt out “I Love You Baby Alive!” before the damn thing can poop again. Sophomoric humor affection, thy name is Andrew.

But otherwise this was just an okay episode. Inspector Gadget being turned into a drone is a clever idea, and the mix of goofy kid world with the dark real one is very much the show’s M.O., but it doesn’t really go anywhere. The same is true for the sketch that had Papa Bear cheating on his wife with Goldilocks.

The better bits tended to be the shorter ones, like reframing My Little Pony tags from the POV of a dad disapproving of his daughter’s tattoo, or some subtle wordplay about a Bumble “bouncing” a check. The Game of Thrones skits weren’t bad, and it’s some fun mundanity to recast the smoke monster as a moody teenager.

Overall, an okay episode that could have had a better batting average in terms of sketches.

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