That was actually pretty decent. I do enjoy tales from the crypt, however.

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So Riverdale does Treehouse of Terror, in checks calendar April?

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This episode was so very boring. Luckily I only wasted 34 minutes because I had DVR'D it. Fast forwarded through almost half :last_quarter_moon: of it. Gave time to post this.

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I enjoyed this episode so much, what are all these comments :sob::sob:

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Am I crazy or was this kinda good??

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Filler episode. Skipped most it. Don’t care for takes from the crypt. If that’s what I wanted to watch I would go watch takes from the crypt.

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I would watch a "tales from the crypt" style riverdale spinoff :thinking:

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Shout by JasperKazai

The presentation of the comic panel stuff was nice, but yeah, this episode was pointless filler otherwise. Waste of time. It doesn't bode well if they're treading water like this in their final season.

How is Dilton on the basketball team if he's that terrible? You have to actually try out for high school teams. This was probably written by people who have never played sports themselves.

A drag queen in 1955? Seriously? You're not even pretending to try and adhere to the era now.

You know, KJ Apa has kind of sucked for this entire show, but he's actually quite good at playing super hammy "classic" Archie.

Jughead is already his nickname. His credit would be Forsythe "Jughead" Jones.

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