Be prepared to skip another cheesy and cringe-worthy musical number towards the end.

How I wish they would just drop these... they're awful.

That said... this season as a whole has been bat-droppings bizarre.

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haven't enjoyed an episode of Riverdale in a long time.Glad that this took a turn and I had fun today.
however you can skip the last musical scene at the end

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Shout by JasperKazai

Honestly, I didn't think I was going to have anything to say about this one, until the end. Which was stupid as hell. Shareholder meeting, so of course they want to watch Veronica perform. Yep. That's what all shareholders love to be forced to watch. Super special Veronica, yay!
She wasn't planning on doing a stupid performance until the last minute, so where did those backup dancers come from, and how did they know the routine?
Two things about the last kiss nonsense: one, kissing Archie once doesn't solve her problem, which is being unable to kiss who she wants when she wants. Is she going to keep calling on Archie to kiss him? No. So that was completely pointless.
Second - she lamented the fact that her final kiss was going to have been with Reggie, but at that time, she kissed Reggie because she still wanted to be with him. It blew up afterwards. So Veronica being all upset that Reggie was her last kiss is actually incredibly fucking shallow and makes her even more of a bitch than she already was. Lol

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lol ofc now tye whole gang has superpower .. and ig the old couples r coming back ? :)

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Ha, I loved the musical act this time!

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the directing of this episode is definitely something lol

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Shout by Deleted

I’m going to need Cheryl doing more casual sorcery from here on out. The writers seem to be auditioning to write X-Men comics next or something similar.

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