Ohh.... What!

Awe... Ahhh...

OHH... W. T. F**K
There HAS to be a Season 4
(Why we only got 8 episodes this season 'Is Some Bullshit!)'

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How has Alan Tudyk not won an Emmy every single season of this ?

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Well now, Harry and Baby stuck on the Aliens ship. An Alien :space_invader: impersonating Harry, oh so many questions to be answered still! Season 4 better come round quickly. And the Sheriff meets his first alien :space_invader:! Good final episode of season 3. Bring on season 4!

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I certainly hope season 4 comes with a lot more episodes.

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What an ending! Hopefully it will not be the last season (thank god it's not by Netflix).

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Excellent season finale - I did not see that coming! Lets hope for a Season 4 to continue this superb series.

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Not Really a Cliffhanger

IF that's all, then that's OK

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I actually thought it was Harry’s kid who took the bomb lol. It’s confusing since it is a shapeshifter.

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a good enjoyable season. sets up for new season, without risking cancellation

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Another great season. If this is the last one, I would be okay with that. They've kept up a great level so far and this would be a pretty high note to end on.

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How did the mayor's wife get home? Or was it a shape shifting alien?

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