man does he ever get to eat the pie? I guess we'll find out.

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I had been enjoying this series so far, but the fight scene in this episode was completely unbelievable.

I get that Reacher is this big, tough guy but there were two things that irked me about the fight scene at Hubble's house.

1) This is a man who is trained and more than capable of standing toe-to-toe with the deadliest soldiers in the world, yet he struggles to fend off someone half his size and nowhere near his supposed skill level

2) Multiple strikes to the arms, ribs, and head with a crowbar would leave even him with contusions, broken bones, and severe bruising. Yet not only does he take these on the chin (literally!), the following shower scene shows us that he apparently did so without so much as a scratch.

There have been other moments in other episodes that have been less than impressive, but with this being the penultimate episode I will finish out the season. However, I have a feeling this may go down as the first official nail in the coffin of this series for me.

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Shout by dm2002
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-02-20T05:17:15Z— updated 2022-02-25T00:37:44Z

I get that Reacher is basically a superhero, and sure, suspension of disbelief. But come on, repeated head shots with a crow bar?

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The fight scene with the little gnome was rediculous, after constantly portraying him as a huge total badass. Hmf.

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Why he got so messed up by a common thug?

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So he man handles men supposed closer to his size but the little midget gives him the toughest fight? Come on

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Yep. That was very clear from the star. Because of the warning.

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Very underwhelming fight scene with the midget.

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How are you suppose to know what’s going on when the cameras cuts every 2 seconds

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